Communication: Staying Connected to Clients with Two Simple Tools

Have you ever experienced getting disconnected from your client, where after several attempts to email and call them, poof! – they’re just gone? They can’t be reached or maybe they’re there, but they just completely ghosted you out.

Failure to communicate is the number one bar complaint against lawyers. Hence, we need to do a better job of meeting people where they are, especially since things aren’t exactly the way they were before the pandemic. 

Today, we talk about how you can do a better job at staying connected with your clients. This is much a function of communication. Email is great, but it misses a personal touch aside from the fact that it can get quickly misinterpreted. Plus, you could be getting a ton of emails that it’s so easy for emails to get lost or disregarded. Phone calls are great as well. However, scheduling those things can take so much energy and time. Sure, you can offload that to your staff but that’s not a good use of their time either. 

And so, I’m sharing with you an alternative to communication, which is something you may already be using today but maybe you haven’t thought about using this for clients as well. At the end of the day, it’s all about building that connection when it’s time for them to share their stories.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Great uses of a voice message
  • The power of videos
  • Decreasing your client’s fear through a personal connection with your voice
  • How to do a better job at sending voice messages
  • Sending forms and documents
  • Text message gets a higher open rate than email does

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We’d love it even more if you could drop a review or 5-star rating over on Apple Podcasts. Simply select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then a quick line with your favorite part of the episode. It only takes a second and it helps spread the word about the podcast.

If you really enjoyed this episode, we’ve created a PDF that has all of the key information for you from the episode. Just go to the episode page at to download it.

Supporting Resources:

Larrick Law Firm

Here is a quick article that walks you through how to send voice messages using iOS or Android phones.

Here are some apps you can use on your cell phone or table to send a voice message via text: Speak-n-Send

I also mentioned using Loom to record short videos (less than 5 minutes) and create an instant link to share. 

If you have a question or a request for an episode, please let me know: 

Episode Credits:

If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at Let them know we sent you.

Episode Transcript

Why Are We Doing Jury Research?

In our previous episodes, we’ve been sharing some how-to’s when it comes to doing focus groups. But it’s also important to take a pause and think about why we are doing focus groups, to begin with.

There are various reasons we might be holding ourselves back from doing focus groups. Maybe, there’s some confusion around why we have to do it. At times, too, we could already be too deep in case preparation that we get lost and no longer see what’s coming behind us. It’s so easy to lose those points of view, and that includes the jury’s point of view. When that happens, we start discounting the weaknesses of the case and the points the opposing counsel is trying to make. 

Hopefully, this episode will help give you a new perspective around focus groups by recognizing not just the exterior barriers to doing focus groups which we have discussed previously (cost, lack of skills, lack of time, etc.), but also some internal barriers that we need to think about.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Figuring out the facts that fuel the weaknesses of the case
  • Testing the emotional buttons that people are deciding the case on
  • Finding the big picture
  • The importance of writing out first impressions

Episode Transcript

Hello and welcome to another episode of Trial Lawyer Prep with me, Elizabeth Larrick, your host. This podcast was designed and thought up as a way to provide how to tips and tricks and other things and interviews to help trial [00:01:00] lawyers prepare better for their courtroom appearances and also to prepare their clients.

Today, we’re using this episode to step a lot of what the other episodes have been about when it comes to focus groups are really focusing on how to, I know there’ve been how to episodes about setting up focus groups, even down to logistics of the Craigslist ad, the Google form. Emailing, confidentiality, and also questions, moderating, setting up presentations.

A lot of that is very much point, click, and execute. I think it’s also really important to stop and answer a very important question, which is why are we doing this? We’ve talked another episode about what we get, but a lot of folks out there are not conducting focus groups. And for [00:02:00] whatever reason, I think there’s a lot of confusion.

it’s not really clear about why you do these. We hear again, people at CLEs or in talking about verdicts, we use focus groups to find how participants describe brain injury or what the word that they use. And that does really tell you what you get, but at times I think that we get lost and we create other barriers to.

doing focus groups, including exterior barriers of it’s costly. This case is not big enough, or I don’t have the time to do that in my schedule, like just to do the focus group. And also I don’t have the skill. I’d have to get my, assistant to take time out? Or am I apparently able to take time out to figure out how to do it?

It’s just an unknown set of skills. The learning curve is too high. I want to use this episode to talk about that internal barrier we have, which may be [00:03:00] holding us back to stepping into doing focus groups to help prepare cases. And that internal barrier was just kind of like, huh, why would I do this? I’m busy.

I know about my case. And. Most of us do know really intimately about our cases, up to the point where it’s almost like we’re buried in the sand all the way up to our necks in cases. In a specific case, we know the details, we know the facts, we’ve got deposition testimony swirling in there, our experts, their experts.

We’ve got motions piling in there as well, motions to compel. That’s all we’ve got. Maybe disputes with the opposing counsel. We’ve got motions for summary judgment. All of these things build up and we end up getting so far deep in case preparation that we’re up to our neck, which means we probably can’t see all the way around us.

And it makes it really hard because we then [00:04:00] lose other points of view, including the point of view of the jury. And we can also start to discount our case weaknesses and the opposing counsel’s points that they’re making because we’re just, we’re full of details. We have all these facts. We have all these things that, well, we got this, we got that.

One of the two main things I want to talk about why we do focus groups, and that would be the first one, is we do focus groups to hear the bad stuff. To hear the weaknesses in our case, because we can forget those, or we can just totally discount that. And the part of learning about our weaknesses is learning what facts are fueling that weakness.

What beliefs, what assumptions are people making that then fuel that weakness for them? That emphasize that, that is what [00:05:00] I’m hanging my hat on. We want to know that. We want to know our case, but we want to know the other case as well. And we may know their facts, we may know their experts, but knowing the jurors from that point of view is also really important because we can get lost and can’t see it.

If we can see it, we can analyze it, we can figure out a way around it, we can figure out, Hey, I know that this is there, this is something I need to be aware of, but also maybe I need to talk about it, right, figure out how we’re going to combat this point of view, these belief systems, assumptions, these facts that are out there.

Stepping back, focus groups are research. At the core, this is research. This is why we, I take so much painstaking time to remove my bias from presentations. [00:06:00] I work really hard with my lawyers to make sure that if we are doing a narrative, we are being neutral. We are presenting truth. Both facts from both sides and we’re making it very balanced because we want to see how it shakes out.

We want to see how it plays out. And that’s what we got to do. So remove our influence when we do these focus groups. And that again is going to get us to hear the bad stuff. One of the biggest key points about this, and I talk about it when I start my focus groups with my participants is who am I like, I’m your moderator, but where do I come from?

And what am I doing here? And am I invested in this? Because you got to remove that investment. As far as presentations and moderator, because they’re going to be influenced. They know I’m paying them to be there. I’m paying for their opinion, but am I influencing it by putting my hand on the scale? If I do [00:07:00] that, am I going to pull some jurors my way?

And maybe I don’t get the full opinions. Like they don’t want to hurt feelings, that kind of stuff. So that’s why we always take a step back and be like, okay, this is research. I need to find out those weaknesses, those bad parts. Another really big why we do focus groups, and that’s to get the big picture.

We talked about being buried in the sand. When you’re buried in the sand, you’re missing the whole picture. You’re neck deep in all the sand, the tiny little details. You’re missing the full beach, all the waves, right? The whole thing. And that’s really where we can lose focus. The emotional points, the big waves in the whole picture.

And that’s really how decisions are made when it comes to jurors, when it comes to claims adjusters, when it comes to companies looking at this and making a financial decision, there are still big emotional pulls. There have been [00:08:00] many lawyers that I’ve talked to where it’s like the person making decision about this case and settlement just doesn’t like My client doesn’t want them to have settlement is going to roll the dice.

based on credibility and personality of a witness or of a client. That’s all emotional. And we get so buried in logic that we can lose that emotional part of our cases. So that’s what we want to take a step back and see that big picture. What are these emotional buttons that people are ultimately decided in the case on?

And a lot of times people say, well, that’s just not fair. But that’s just kind of how people work. It’s not necessarily that things should always be fair. They’re not always going to be. But that emotional pull and tug is always there. And let’s make sure that we know what it is. Don’t ignore it. Maybe you think you know what it is.

Test that out, right? You think that people are gonna be so upset about this particular [00:09:00] fact? Well, let’s just see and then we can ask and see if that’s gonna help that big picture. So we run focus groups to prepare ourselves and prepare our cases better. Well, how come? Because when we do that, we’re improving value and we’re reducing the risk of losing.

So important. So how do focus groups do that? They find those weaknesses, right? They give it back. Here’s the bad parts of what I heard. And they’re just giving it back to us. They’re not saying that it’s bad or it’s good. They just tell us, this is what I see. This is how it shakes out for me. And obviously for us, it’s negative for us, but we have to, okay, there it is.

And then also finding. that big picture. Finding it, or what I would say, sometimes we just got to get back to it. We can pick up a case and then two years later, it’s worn on us, right? Again, we’re back up to our, our neck in [00:10:00] details and also just the function of the system, meaning we’ve got to get back to it.

Motion’s done. We’ve got to get preach already. And we can lose that big picture and then focus on all those details. And George just wants, what’s the big picture here, right? And we got to remind ourselves and that’s okay. We need to do that. And we got to remind ourselves that this is research. We can become blind.

to weaknesses. We got to make sure that we are covering that. And the focus group is that way to reduce the risk of losing. It could be the risk of losing trial, could be losing value. It’s a tool. And that’s why I stress so much that it really provides so many things to us on top of this. But at the end of the day, This is a little bit of our flaw is getting those blinders on.

And this is a reminder for me as well. Don’t get me wrong. I can finish a focus group and just be sitting and [00:11:00] swirling with all of the comments thinking like, Oh my gosh, this is terrible. I have a terrible case. What are we doing here? I’ve just spent all this time and effort and money and nobody likes my case.

And it’s really, it sinks, but I always just, okay, just write down first Um, and then I go back in and I look at my first impressions, write it out. First impressions. Okay. Even if it’s a bullet point list, I write out my first impressions and then I leave it. I come back to it the next day. But look at the chat, look at those paper votes and then I rewatch the video and then I step back because I need to make sure I’m getting that research, which is what we learn.

Okay. We heard all these like super negative comments, But where was that coming from? Was there an emotional?

And then you’re able to basically condense it down to a few takeaways that come back to you. Okay. Did we learn about [00:12:00] weaknesses? Did we learn about big picture? Instead of thinking, oh my gosh, I heard six negative comments and I heard 20 questions about more things that they need to hear. Ah, it’s overwhelming.

Oh no. Again, we’re thinking about those details. Just got to pull it back. I like to think of it. It’s like when we are, when you’re making roux. roux, it’s a wonderful brown liquid gold that you use a lot for different kinds of soups and stews, but it’s flavor intensive, right? So you got to stir constantly, right?

It’s just boiling, boiling, boiling, boiling, thicken, thicken, thicken. And I mean, we’re talking minutes here where you’re just stirring, stirring, stirring, stirring, stirring, and you want to get off the excess, right? You want to get it down to that brown liquid gold. And that’s what you want to do. It’s get it down to that brown liquid gold and not, not get so overwhelmed with some of the negative things that you heard and come back to that.

Why did I do this? [00:13:00] Okay. It’s research. Okay. Condense it down. And I have, again, I have to remind myself of this because sure, I get invested in focus groups and in cases and in a hundred percent, but that’s why we want to call it down and come back to our why. Occasionally. Why are we doing this? How is this helping me prepare?

So just wanted to put this all into an episode for you because, you know, I had a couple focus groups lately where this came up where it’s just like, wow, this stinks. Why are we doing this? And also hoping that people who maybe are on the cusp of thinking about doing focus groups and maybe there’s an internal barrier, hopefully that will help.

Give you a new perspective, if not give you that friendly reminder here today in this episode. So, uh, appreciate your time. If you enjoyed the episode, please rate review us on your favorite platform. If you have a question or you would like a particular topic covered in an episode, please scroll down to the show notes.

My email is in there. Please shoot me an email. I, I will respond [00:14:00] and I’ll see you next time. Thank you.

Woodshedding Your Client: Negative Impact on the Deposition and Relationship

Have you ever instructed your client to say “I don’t know” when it came to facts or anything that may have been detrimental to your case? Or maybe you’ve been on the other side of that where you were taking a deposition of someone and they just kept on saying they don’t know, just like a broken record.

In this episode, let’s focus on connecting with your client as well as some of those little shortcuts that we take along the way with our clients that could end in a bad result, otherwise known as woodshedding.

Ultimately, woodshedding is disrespectful to your client’s experience and feelings. It can lead to the client losing overall trust in you, as their lawyer, and they may just start lying to you too. So it’s not a very good road to go down. 

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Where the term “woodshedding” comes from
  • Examples of woodshedding
  • Why woodshedding is bad
  • How to avoid falling into this trap
  • Spending time to refresh your client’s memory

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Episode Transcript

Hello, and welcome to another new episode of Trial Lawyer Prep with me your host, Elizabeth Larrick.

Thank you so much for joining us. We are going to be talking about wood shedding. This is a podcast designed to assist trial lawyers. [00:01:00] To connect better with their clients and juries in the courtroom. And today we are going to focus on connecting with your client, but also about some of those little shortcuts that we take along the way with our clients that can end in a bad result.

And I am talking about woodshedding. If you’re. Unsure about what wood shedding is. It’s this really old term. It’s also sometimes called horse shedding. Not really sure why that term came up, but it comes from the term Good old days where you’d take somebody out to the woodshed and inflict some punishment on them until they did what you said.

Inflict your will on them. Obviously, I don’t think most attorneys are taking their clients literally out to a woodshed, but the expression is stuck because occasionally we have this behavior. We may run out of time. We may not have the effort or the energy. And so we basically end up [00:02:00] instructing our clients on what to say and also the words to use.

So two of the best examples that I have of woodshedding are instructing a client to say, I don’t know when it comes to questions about facts or liability or something that may be detrimental to your case. We are talking about deposition and even trial. Having your clients basically give testimony that I don’t know to different kind of questions.

And you may have experienced this when you are taking a deposition of someone and basically they’re kind of like a broken record. I don’t know. I don’t remember. I don’t know. I don’t know. And occasionally it’ll be even paired, coupled with an objection from the opposing counsel, which then is a trigger for the client to say, I don’t know.

Very frustrating if you’re on the other side of that, but also let’s not have our clients do [00:03:00] that either. Another good example of woodshedding would be feeding your client the words or the specific answers that you want them to give. For favorable fact questions. And again, we can be talking about liability or damages.

An example that clients involved in a car wreck may not remember, right? The distance from the car in front of them or the exact location of where they are stopped at a red light. But we go ahead and instruct them, Hey, you need to go ahead and answer all the lines of, well, I was stopped where I could see the tires of the car in front of me, or I was stopped behind the white line.

And again, we’re talking about. feeding the answer, right? These are people who have told us, I don’t remember. There are definitely times where people maybe just need to, if there’s a picture, they need to look at a picture or refresh their memory. But we’re talking about really where you are feeding those answers to people.

And again, like we talked about, when does this happen? Well, when we don’t spend enough [00:04:00] time, we don’t take the time. Or, We’re just that worried about the case that we basically end up woodshedding and getting our client to say specific things. So why would this be bad? Obviously we are really bending some ethical rules here.

If we’re instructing our clients with specific answers or to say I don’t know, ultimately it can lead your client to withhold the truth about a situation. Not necessarily meaning if you’re the lawyer, you’re their leader in this legal situation, you’re Asking them to say, I don’t know, or say specific words or responses.

They were probably going to withhold the truth about other stuff too, right? You said it was okay, so they can do it. That’s not really, it’s going to help anybody in the system. It can lead to skewed results. And that’s because sometimes we can obviously see when you’re woodshedding somebody, and then the evaluation that goes back, the way the jury gets the impression, right?

You’re going to lead [00:05:00] to skewed results. It can also just lead to a full disregard of your client’s testimony altogether, right? On all points. That’s not what you want either. Ultimately, it’s really disrespectful to your client’s experience and their feelings, and it can lead to the client losing overall trust in you as their lawyer, and they may just start lying to you too.

So it’s not a very good road to go down. Overall, I think we always want our clients to have a good experience with us as their lawyer, because one, That helps everybody in the legal system. They have a better impression of plaintiff’s lawyers, but also it’s a referral source, but we really don’t want to be bending these rules of ethics just generally.

So how can we try to prevent falling into this trap? We are all very busy people and I’m not trying to say that you are not, but let’s just, first of all, let’s take some [00:06:00] time. Like, set aside some time and listen to the client. Where are there places where there are trouble in the testimony? And are there facts other places?

Are there other people, other witnesses? Are there pictures, right? Is there any way? If there are things written down, can we refresh someone’s memory, right? If it was there one year and two years later it’s gone, but is it written down, right? Go back to your intake forms, go back to those first emails that you got from them when they’re reaching out to your office because generally they put a ton of information in there, right?

So let’s learn what they have, learn their experience, what their testimony is, figure out the troubled spots. Is there a workaround, a way to refresh? Also, Embrace your client’s story, right? Every client narrative is unique and you really want to keep that intact because there could be a juror that that story resonates with.

But if we’re crafting things down to make it sound [00:07:00] identical, everybody knows. It looks like a canned answer. I can tell you from focus groups, they’re like, that’s a canned answer. Like, that’s not the truth. Jurors can spot it. They’re really good at that, right? Spotting the fake. And ultimately, you want to educate your client on how to use the truth, right?

There may be things that your client doesn’t know, will never know, but there’s probably a lot of truth in there that they need to get out. And it’s your job to help them Organize it and know when to use it and deploy it. Nobody’s memory has to be perfect, but we definitely don’t want to be stepping over the line and having them testify to something that’s not true or not to their personal knowledge or something that can’t be refreshed.

You just don’t want to fall into that bad habit. And sometimes that can happen. And you’re thinking, well, Lisbeth, how do I create time in my schedule? Again, we’ve got lots of really good tools in this podcast and [00:08:00] several episodes that can help you with that. But again, Thank you. I, I literally believe that if you spend 30 minutes in the week leading up to your client’s deposition and then you spend another 30 minutes, maybe an hour, you will gain so much more information, right?

We’ve got to pull things out. Most of the time our depositions happen a year, two years after the actual event and you got to refresh the memory and they do too. And they want to do it. So anyhow, it’s spacing it out. Spend some time refreshing it. If you’re going to sit down and get somebody ready for deposition the day before their depo, you’re not giving any time for the memory to be refreshed or for you to go back and look, right, at things that may be available in the file to help with their memory.

Ultimately, we want to avoid this behavior altogether. Embrace what you’ve got, give space and time to listen to them, and if you can, find other things in the file to help them refresh their memory. [00:09:00] But try not to fall into this trap of woodshedding. Use a couple extra meetings even if it’s a 30 minute zoom meeting to plant the seeds and getting back together with them with a couple of days in between will really significantly help refresh their memory.

You’ll have a chance to have looked at the file as well instead of trying to rush through get somebody ready in 30 minutes and the next site they’ve got to then go to deposition when you’re going to learn all kinds of things you’ve never heard before because They thought about all these things in the evening, overnight, and the chemical deposition.

They just dump all this new information. So just a very short, sweet episode here about woodshedding and like, what is it? Why is it bad? And how can we avoid this? Even if we feel like we are super pressured and we don’t have a lot of time. So thank you so much for listening to this episode. I also do some, uh, live broadcasts on my LinkedIn page.

So would [00:10:00] love to connect with you on either one of those platforms. The LinkedIn is Elizabeth J. Larrick. So for more information on tips, I’m doing a ton of stuff this year, particular on virtual focus groups, because I just feel like It’s such a great place thing that we all can be using and can learn how to do it.

And that’s really what I’ve been talking about these past few months. And you can watch all those past videos as well. So if you enjoyed this episode or this podcast, please give us a rating on your favorite platform or share this podcast with another lawyer if you think it’d be helpful. All right.

Thanks so much.

Spotting Red Flags in Client Deposition Preparation

Have you ever experienced having a client who emotionally fell apart in a deposition or trial? You’ve already had a preparation plan, walked them through it, and organized everything, then all of a sudden, the plan goes out of the window. And when they’re testifying to things that you’ve never heard before, it’s certainly not a good feeling.

At times, there are clients that are challenging to prepare and there are different reasons for this. In today’s episode, how to spot some red flags before clients get into the deposition or go into trial to give testimony and how to deal with those.

As a lawyer, you need to figure out ways to do this better. Many times, we can spot some of these red flags, even before we’re going to sit down and do deposition prep or trial prep. These are things such as when clients show a lack of interest in the case or they’re providing inconsistent stories. Maybe their effort has waned over time, or they just don’t follow directions, or they’re simply refusing to answer any questions. And even sometimes, too, there are people who just refuse to even show up for preparation.

Therefore, you need to dig a little deeper to understand and reveal some of the reasons these people are having these kinds of behavior. As lawyers, we want to make sure we have clients that are going to not only put effort into the case but also effort into themselves.

In this episode, you will hear:

Moving from Plan A to Plan B  Step 1: Educating Step 2: Testing Step 3: Deciding The importance of spotting red flags early on Getting somebody else to roleplay with your client Subscribe and Review

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We’d love it even more if you could drop a review or 5-star rating over on Apple Podcasts. Simply select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then a quick line with your favorite part of the episode. It only takes a second and it helps spread the word about the podcast.

Supporting Resources:

Larrick Law Firm

Have a question? What topic do you want us to cover in an episode? Email me:

Episode Credits:

If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at Let them know we sent you.

Episode Transcript

Welcome to a new episode of Trial Lawyer Prep. I’m Elizabeth Larrick, your host, and we’ve designed this podcast to craft how to and tips to help you connect with your clients and jurors.

And today’s episode, we are going to [00:01:00] tackle what I would call a difficult subject, facing clients that are challenging to prepare and really trying to help Understand and spot some red flags before our clients get into the deposition or go into trial to give testimony. I think we’ve all had the experience of having a client who fell apart in a deposition or trial.

And when I say fell apart, it could be somebody who basically just falls apart emotionally or just falls apart in the sense of, Hey, we had a preparation plan. We walked through this, we organized everything. And then all of a sudden the plan goes out the window and they’re Testifying to things that you have never heard before.

It is not a good feeling. And as always, you know, lawyers, we always try to figure out ways. How do we do this better? What did I do wrong? And so this is an episode really dedicated to, how do we spot some of these red flags in our preparation? And. Many times we can [00:02:00] spot some of these red flags even before we’re going to sit down and do deposition prep or trial prep.

And red flags are things like the client has a lack of interest in the case or they’re providing inconsistent stories. Maybe their effort has waned over time. Maybe they just don’t follow directions. Could be possibly they’re just refusing to answer any questions. And sometimes we have people who just refuse to even show up for preparation.

And we want to be able to dig a little deeper to understand and reveal some of the reasons why these folks are having this behavior. And sometimes it’s that there is just a lack of trust. Sometimes there’s just a lack of understanding about what’s going on. Sometimes they just have a desire to settle, but they just couldn’t tell you.

And sometimes it just is a case that just needs to be settled. And so my story about this is I actually went to assist an attorney for trial. They had a client that was [00:03:00] getting ready to go testify. There weren’t a lot of witnesses in the trial, so this particular client’s testimony was going to be really important about not only just how the injury happened, how the event happened, but also, you know, the extent of the injuries and the harms.

The event had happened Five, even six years ago. So a lot of time had passed. And again, this is post pandemic. So, you know, we’re all facing this extra delay that we didn’t ask for, but that’s something here and there. So we start to prepare and I see some of these red flags popping up. And I, as always try to have a plan a and a plan B and.

You know, work through my planning, trying to understand a little more about what’s happening with the client, what’s been going on, what maybe they’ve been facing challenges in their personal life. And that really didn’t seem to strike [00:04:00] any differences. So I tried plan B and we got a little more direct about.

Some of the answers, inconsistent answers, they were giving me some of the, a lot of what I would call maybe attitude, maybe, you know, big red flags as far as lack of trust and inconsistent stories. When I tried to have a very direct approach about certain things and had medical records to show, Hey, here’s what happened.

Do you mind just explain it to me again, always being open to a different explanation. And ultimately. The situation or the preparation just ended because he absolutely did not want to move forward. He actually had an outburst. I’ve never had this happen. I mean, it just got to the point where he basically had an outburst and came after me and said that basically all these things were my fault.

And I was very accusatory, which at the time was just like, okay, we need to leave the [00:05:00] room. You know, we need to, you know, remove this energy from the room. And also we’re, can’t really, I don’t really have anything else to say at this point. You’re very upset. And when people are that upset about something, let’s just diffuse the situation, remove ourselves from the room, whatever I can do.

You know, never intended to make somebody so upset the way that he was, but add that experience really made me sit back and understand, okay, this is not me. I understand that he’s directing his anger at me, but what is it that’s really going on? And ultimately in working with the lawyer who knew this person much, much longer than I did like to say, Hey, you actually have to make a decision here.

This is the person that you’re going to put on the sand. They’re probably not going to cooperate very much with answering questions, and we’re not really sure what answers he’s going to give. So you need to decide what do you think the jury is going to do with testimony like this? And is this something you want to move forward with?

Or is it [00:06:00] something that you’ve thought about? Maybe you should settle. I can’t make that decision for you. I’m just looking at the couple of days or a couple of hours we just spent with this person. And my job is to try to help understand, Hey, what’s really going on here. This isn’t personal. This is something else that’s going on.

And you have to make a decision about trial. I mean, it’s a tactical decision. You have talked to the client about it. We tried to talk in two different fashions, plan a and plan B and neither one of them worked. But having that experience really made me sit down and think, okay, we may not experience this level of someone having an outburst status and that kind of, you may not experience that, but there were definitely little bitty cues along the way that kind of made my spidey sense go up.

I wonder How long this behavior has been going on. And sometimes this behavior happens very early. And as lawyers, especially in the line of work [00:07:00] that we do, we want to make sure that we have clients that are going to put effort into the case, but also effort into themselves that are going to go to doctor’s appointments and they want to get better.

And, you know, they’re not just going to skip appointments and not return phone calls. And a lot of that time, we can see that very early on and make the decision about moving forward with the case. However, at times, that behavior may not crop up until later. And again, we’re all facing this dilemma of having cases that are going much longer than ever anticipated because of the backlog of courts.

However, let’s So let’s talk about some of these red flags that you may be seeing. Let’s talk about how to dig a little deeper, not just automatically putting somebody in a box and labeling them. I know some folks are challenging to prepare on lots of different levels. But. This particular episode is really looking at people who maybe [00:08:00] have a lack of trust.

They’ve got a lack of confidence in their case. They’re very worried about being rejected by the court. jury, folks that are just upset about not being more involved and people who just have a general lack of education and just fearful. And then there are folks that just like, they don’t want to go to trial.

I mean, there are lots of people in this world that just don’t want to go to trial. It’s, it is a terrifying experience or thought that they would be up sitting on the stand and having Basically 12 people judge them, not what they want to do, spend their time and that’s okay. I think people have a hard time expressing that and that’s where we want to dig a little deeper and have that plan A and plan B and give people that opportunity and that safe place to express themselves without feeling like they’re being cornered into going to trial.

I know we as lawyers get really excited about going and sometimes when we get excited and we’ve got a really great liability [00:09:00] case, sometimes we kind of get lost. lose the clients in the shuffle. And so for this particular instance I would say when you’re trying to spot a red flag, you’re looking at clients who, and again, we’re talking about at this point, you’re preparing for deposition and you’re sitting down with them to start talking to them about what’s going to happen, what they can expect, start maybe asking some questions and getting feedback on where they’re at now, start to organize some of their thoughts and expressions.

And what you may find is that you have a client who keeps repeating the same phrase or the same things to questions. A good example of that is, tell me how your, how’s your injury doing? Maybe it’s your back or your foot or it’s just, it’s a pain. All right. Well, help me understand that. Tell me, you know, how does that translate into regular day?

Can [00:10:00] you put a shoe on? Can you walk on it? Do you have to put it up? And it’s that you’re just digging in and you may just get, A client that just repeats the same phrase over and over again. And what I found is we’ll talk about a plan A and a plan B. Right now we’re talking about how to spot it. What are some things that like, Oh, your spotty sense should be going up?

Well, I’m on a client that repeats that same phrase over and over again. When you’re asking a question, they have a failure to follow directions. Sometimes. It can be something simple, like not showing up on time. Sometimes there’s traffic. Don’t get me wrong, but think about this when all these things accumulate.

And this is what happened to me in my situation where she’s like, Oh, look at all these little things that. If I had looked at them individually, I’d say, Oh, you’re just being overly critical, but lining them all out, like, Oh, we should have seen this a little earlier, which is okay. [00:11:00] We always want to give people the benefit of the doubt.

You have a client that is just going to blame the doctor. Or blame the hospital, or blame lawyers, or blame their spouse for not getting better, for not being able to do something different. Or you have a client who treats people in your office differently than they treat you. For example, when I went in to assist this other lawyer to prepare a client for trial, I had very different treatment compared to the lawyer.

And that automatically got my Spidey sense up and just looking and watching that dynamic and being like, okay, well, I’m going to put a little pin in that. And maybe this is normal. Maybe it’s not. We’ll revisit it later. What about our clients that sometimes just refuse to respond to questions? People that just really shut down and they just don’t want to talk.

Clients that can’t give really any facts or even possibly refuse to give facts when it’s on either liability or damages. Clients who like to [00:12:00] blame things on life or excuses for not giving attention to preparing or for doing their homework. Clients who really can’t answer questions about do they want to settle or do they not want to settle.

Obviously, we’re talking about somebody who’s really closed off and they could have just a lack of interest in the case. It kind of comes down to, they have a lack of interest, like maybe they’re just over it, they’re done, they’re not expressing to you they want to settle, they don’t really have a desire to move forward, like they’re done, lack of trust in the lawyer, right, they just don’t, ultimately don’t trust the lawyer, it may not be anything personal, it may just be something that happened later, or just lawyers in general, and like we talked about earlier, a complete lack of confidence in the case.

So all these little things all add up to different kind of red flags and sometimes it’s just a, like I said, a lack of education. Well, that’s easy. You know, you just help them and educate them. Maybe sometimes that solves the problem and the light turns on. Sometimes [00:13:00] it’s a little more. So what I like to do is have a plan A, which plan A is just what we would normally do with deposition preparation or trial preparation, right?

Just start asking questions, talk about what they can expect. And it’s when some of these red flags start to add up that then I have, Oh, okay, we might need to move into plan B, which is like a much more direct question, but most of them, I always just want to, when I have an accumulation of those red flags, I just.

Just take step and except to ask a little extra questions, right? General, open ended questions. They can take it wherever they want to take it. And if I want to be more direct, right? There’s plan B just be more direct about it. And when I say being direct, that just means ask a much more pointed question about it.

Meaning for example, the client who likes to repeat the same thing over and over again about like their damages, well I’m just in pain. Okay. Can you just [00:14:00] describe it for me? Well, I just told you, I’m in pain. Okay. Well, let’s take it on a scale of one to 10, right? How would you, if we’re sitting here right now, one to 10.

And so you give them a couple of extra chances to describe it for you. Sometimes it doesn’t work. So then we take our backup, which is education. Maybe they just have a lack of education. Why would I be asking you these questions about your back and being in pain? Well, the jury actually has to answer questions about pain.

There’s really a question here that says physical pain. And so that information for that blank actually comes directly from you. Yes, there’s mention in the medical records. However, we’re going to ask you questions on the stand about that particularly. Or in your deposition, it’s the same thing. Your testimony needs to help answer these questions.

Sometimes that helps. Like, oh, okay, you’re not just digging in on me. You’re just trying to, yeah, okay, here we go. Education, great. Now we’re on our way. If it doesn’t help, Doesn’t look like education, right? You’ve got somebody with just lack of [00:15:00] trust or lack of interest. Generally, I moved to step number two, which is testing it.

And that is where we do our role play and where I’ll, I play the defense and we ask some questions just to see, okay, we’ve tried to address it in soft way, in a direct way. And then now we’re going to look and see if we can test it. See, okay. Maybe if we test it, we role play it, make it a little bit more serious.

Maybe the, if he, he or she understands the actual questions that they’re going to get, maybe that will help the light come on. Like, Oh, okay. What we’re doing here is to help you, or just trying to get you prepared. And then you basically go to step number three, is after you finished role playing, then you got to decide, okay, well, is this, workable to a jury or is it not workable?

And you know that, you know, you’ve been around jurors enough and if you haven’t, then you’ve been around enough focus groups. Then if you haven’t, let’s run some focus groups. [00:16:00] And sometimes that’s what you have to do is just take a step back. You need to get a little extra time before trial, before deposition and run some focus groups, run some of these answers, take a zoom video.

of your client answering very basic questions and see what they say. I think in most cases jurors have a hard time understanding somebody else’s physical ailments if they have a real limited answer in pain. I can’t do things. It doesn’t help anyone. I can’t get a visual on that. I don’t know. That’s really indescript for me.

So I always just try to think of, well, juror has to decide and put something in a blank. They may not put anything in a blank, but again, that’s that step three of deciding and you can make a decision. You can get extra time, go to a focus group. You can ask other lawyers. We’ve had it. But the hope is that if [00:17:00] you’re able to spot the red flags early enough, you can have the discussion.

early with the client and not necessarily right on the doorstep of trial or right on the doorstep of deposition. And if you can fix it, like I said, lack of education. Some people are just fearful. Some people have a lack of trust. You may or may not be able to ever get over that. And it’s like with most things in life, it’s not normally personal.

Sometimes there’s something that was there long before you had this person as a client, you’ve done your best, but sometimes it’s just. And that’s something you can’t overcome. Sometimes it’s just a lack of involvement. They want to be more involved, but they’re not really sure how. And again, that’s an education piece as well.

And then also that kind of lack of confidence in the case. And sometimes that is just again, educating them on their case. And if they’re that fearful, it’s just this lack of, this fear 12 people deciding the case. [00:18:00] And, um, Ultimately, these red flags are to help you maybe before you get to deposition, before you’ve got somebody who you’re about, maybe you’re about to file and you’re looking at these things.

And it’s okay to ask clients ahead of time before we start filing it, before you take on the case, you know, let’s just set expectations and talk about these things. And a lot of times, like I said, it just happens over time and it’s not anything that you could have seen happen. It becomes very apparent when you sit down in front of them and start talking to them.

And that’s why I wanted to share my experience with you guys to say, Hey, there are ways to spot the red flags and role playing can’t stress that enough. Getting somebody else to role play with your client will significantly help you be able to see this because we get so deep in our cases that we don’t even see it.

We don’t even, doesn’t even, [00:19:00] Oh, there it is. It takes sometimes another person coming in and doing the role play and you just watching and listening and saying, Whoa, hold on. Wow. We have a problem here. And with the lawyer that asked me to come help, the reason for this whole episode, he knew there was a struggle to express himself.

He knew that there was a trouble there. He just didn’t believe or didn’t know. Like, where that actually was stemming from, and we learned in talking with them and sitting with them and seeing all these things and like adding all these things up, like, okay, this person just does not want to go to trial.

Like they don’t like they’re, they absolutely possibly don’t. Please don’t make them go. And if you do, please test it before you go so you can make sure and understand. What’s going to happen. All right. So just a really quick recap. We all have challenging [00:20:00] clients at times to prepare. There’s lots of different reasons why people may be challenged to set aside time to prepare for deposition.

This particular episode is about clients that. have lost interest in the case. They’ve lost basically lots of inconsistent stories, lost lack of just effort all overall. Not necessarily like fearful of it, but just won’t give you any information and shut down. A lot of the red flags are rushing down. How do we, if you see a couple of the red flags, how do we deal with it?

Well, let’s just dig a little deeper, right? Plan A, Have a soft approach, ask questions, if that doesn’t work, plan B, follow up with more direct questions. Next step, test it. Use another lawyer to come in and role play with the client, actual questions they’re going to face. And then ultimately three, you have to decide.

And you, in that decision making, you know, gather, phone a friend, [00:21:00] talk to other lawyers, and worst case scenario, use a focus group and use some Zoom footage of your client to see how is a jury going to react to this. All right. I hope that this episode was helpful. If you have any questions or follow up, please don’t hesitate to email me.

My email is If you found it helpful, please leave me a review or do the five star thing on your favorite podcast app. And until next time. Thank you.

How to Create Focus Group Presentations LIVE replay

In this episode, I’m going to play a recorded live video of my recent presentation on how to create a focus group presentation, and the best presentation possible to gather more engagement from our participants as well as more feedback.

There are some things that always go into planning our presentations such as what evidence, objective documents, and videos you have to use. You want to look into your goals and what you’re looking to get feedback on, whether it’s pertaining to the whole case or you simply want to understand blind spots that could be missing.

You may also be looking at witness credibility and understand more about the credibility of the person in their testimony. There are lots of different ways to use focus groups. And I’m going to walk you through a few simple presentations that I have previously used when gathering information. 

In this episode, you will hear:

  • The goal and timeline of the presentation
  • Balancing information with questions
  • The power of using visual aids (ex. PowerPoint, images, diagram)
  • Focusing on the facts of the events
  • Some dos and don’ts when using visual aids
  • The simplicity of information
  • Using chat to get them engaged

If you’d like to watch the live session to see the PowerPoint Presentation, you can go here.

Episode Transcript

Hi and welcome. It’s Elizabeth Larrick. Glad to have you here with Trial Lawyer Prep.

For this podcast episode, we are going to change course and I’m going to play a recorded live video which was broadcast a few weeks back on social media about how to [00:01:00] create a focus group presentation. If you are curious about the PowerPoint that I use in this live episode. Please check the show notes as I have uploaded it as a PDF so you can see an example of how simple it is to create a good visual for a focus group.

All right, listen in. Hello and welcome. We’re live again this afternoon. I’m to talk about focus group presentations and how to create the best presentation possible to give their more engagement with our participants and also gather more feedback that you want if you are joining us live, just put a little note in the chat so we can say hello.

If you’re watching this on the replay, I still love for you to say hi so I know that you watched it. You also can post any questions that you may have about the materials that we have that we’re talking about today. What we have talked about in the past is really what are the benefits of doing virtual focus groups, how to [00:02:00] plan, meaning our thought process for planning our focus groups, and a few other things logistically.

But today I really want to focus on planning the presentation and a couple of things always go into planning our presentations. Obviously we want to think about what evidence, what objective Documents, photographs, videos, do we have to use, but also what is our goal? Like, what are we looking to get feedback on?

Maybe we’re looking at the whole case and we want to just understand, hey, where are the blind spots that I may be missing and then also get other ideas from them about information that they may want to see or hear. We may be looking at witness. Credibility, right? Throwing either our witnesses up or maybe their expert witnesses, really just to understand more about the credibility of the person in their testimony.

Lots of different ways to use focus groups. And we’re going to walk through a few simple presentations that I have used in the past to help gather [00:03:00] information. One of the main things that I always look at when creating a presentation is one, what are my goals and how much time do I have? A longer time period if we’re looking at Creating a three hour focus group, it’s just going to have much more in depth information.

And if we have a one hour focus group, we really want to look at how do I balance that out? I really want to have a good discussion with them and have great questions, but you have to give them enough information to go on. And that’s sometimes our problem is we think that, well, we’ll just give them a little bit information and then we will just ask a bunch of questions.

I got to temper that. Balance of information with questions. And also what I like to think about, too, is what do we want to take off the table when it comes to the focus group participants and where their minds may go? And a good example of this is anytime we talk about a car wreck and we’re either. It doesn’t really matter what kind [00:04:00] of focus group we’re running.

But if the subject matter is a car wreck, someone is always going to ask, was there drug or alcohol involved? Was anyone intoxicated? Whether there’s any indication or not. So I always work with my facts. My cases work with other lawyers just to know, hey, That is going to be a question that is on the table.

If it is not a part of your case, please tell them there were no drugs now involved. Okay. So also got to think about a few other questions that people always will generally have about cases and you can get all that information into your presentation. So there that, that box is checked for them and they can think about the real issue.

Let me give you another example. Car wrecks are also a really good one. We all generally have a car wreck in our, our file cabinets. And so one of the things people always want to know, you know, was it raining? What was the weather like? Was it daytime or nighttime? Some of these are just, you feel like, wow, that’s really simple.

Like, who called 911? When did 911 get there? But these are all really objective [00:05:00] facts that are going to come in at trial, and they’re part of how some of the Right. Folks are just processing the information, things that they just want to know. So you can get those things off the table and answer those questions.

And so we’ll kind of dig into that. But one of the things I find sometimes in our presentations is that we want to put too much information and overwhelm them. Right. And then there’s a lot of confusion or too little. So there’s always kind of a balance. I always like to think if you’ve got an hour and you’re just trying to get some basic feedback on something, really you should think about having at least 15 to 20 minutes of solid information.

And again, Sometimes we’re always paring back and sometimes we’re adding things. I always, everything I do has some kind of visual aid. And so I use PowerPoint. I think it’s just easy. And some of these PowerPoints I’m going to walk you through, you’re going to see are really, really basic, but it really helps them get a good idea in their minds about what’s going on.

So what I want to do [00:06:00] is kind of walk you through two different presentations. One of them is a premises liability case that we really didn’t have. We had one picture. That was it. And so we did what we could. And another one is we had a huge dispute about a car wreck. So I kind of want to walk both those with you.

So give me just two moments. I’m going to grab my presentation here to share with you. So you should be seeing a green screen. I always start with just a plain color. You know, I always want folks to be able to see what I’m looking at. And so if I start with a white background, a first slide is a white background, then people are going to be like, well, I see it’s white.

Okay. So always make it really plain color. One other thing that I always do with my focus groups is we really focus on the facts and the event, the names. get lost on people. The date really doesn’t because people always say, well, was this after the pandemic, before the pandemic? So anyhow, but this one is, this was a fact pattern [00:07:00] that came, we did a real short one hour focus group.

And the purpose and the goal of the focus group was really to understand, is this a case? Who is the jury going to find responsible? And like I talked A little bit about this is the one where we really just had one picture. We had description of the facts. So we really had to dig down to get some facts, but this was an injury that happened in a, kind of like a, an oil change location and they were building it and it’s one of the people who was working in the, Building like create like literally building it fell into the pit, and I’ll show you a picture of it and, you know, tragic quadriplegic injuries, you know, but really would need to understand, like, who all could be on the hook here.

And so, in looking at our PowerPoint here, so I’m just gonna advance the slide. So this was the actual building, right? This is what actually ended up. Being built at the location. Most of the focus group, people have never heard of this place. It [00:08:00] wasn’t like an O’Reilly. So it really wasn’t a big deal not to disclose the name on there, but we had to make sure that people understood what we meant when we said what a pit was.

So I just went and scoured the internet and found a picture that actually showed like, you know, their perspective, right. As a. As a driver, you know, taking your car and what was their perspective? Well, it’s, it’s being, Hey, pull in here right over the top of this giant hole and don’t drive your car in there.

Right? Everyone’s fear is always, they’re going to drive the car in there. But I just really want to make sure they understood, Hey, this is what we’re talking about. And that only because we assume most people have experiences that we’re going to talk about cases. Sometimes they don’t. So we really have to start at a bigger place and then narrow in.

So again, this was a picture I went and grabbed off the Internet. The picture you saw before, let me just toggle back. This was also just from the Internet. I went and grabbed it and picked it, put it in here. This was one that we did. And then I went back to a green screen and actually toggled [00:09:00] back to the participants and turned my share screen off.

And I just want to make sure, are we all in the same room? place here? Do we all understand what the premises were talking about? And then I gave them some more facts. And then when I was ready to come back to the power point, right, toggling back, then I was able to show them the actual picture of the location where this injury actually happened.

And this is the only picture we had. Right. So on top of that, we had to describe what I would consider a kind of a difficult, like, how did this thing happen? She fell backwards into this pit, right? But this is what it looked like, I think, almost like the night before that she got injured. So then I had to describe things.

So what I always like to do is, when in doubt, let’s add some Let’s add some arrows, right? Some directional arrows. So they understand. And so what they had to understand is she was working back and forth in this kind of motion, right? And then ultimately she was, Walking [00:10:00] backwards, see my blue arrow, and then, right, her foot fell in there, and she fell down there.

Right, so directional arrows that are just helping us, and this is just all super simple. There’s nothing fancy going on here. It’s just inserting an arrow from PowerPoint. And I think that that really helped them versus me just verbally trying to explain it because that was one of the things I had troubles with when the lawyer was explaining it to me.

So I had to create something so that my mind could visualize what had happened. So anyhow, it’s a really, really simple way to kind of help them understand pairing the visual with the description. And again, sometimes when we have We just walked through it more than one time as well to make sure everybody’s on the same point.

And then what do we do? Now that everybody’s seen the visual, they understand what happened, then we go to talking and we take the PowerPoint back off, right? We toggle back to have all our full screens to see all of their shiny faces on a virtual screen. focus group. Obviously, if we were in [00:11:00] person, this is almost exactly how I would do it, but I would probably take it another step forward and use, I have a rolling whiteboard and to show them and draw it for them to make sure that they understood.

And you could even basically, you know, show them she was turning around and walking backwards and do that in front of them as well. But this is really for to help with a virtual focus group. But again, this is an easy way to do a PowerPoint presentation, even for in person as well. One of the things I want you to take a note of is how large this picture is.

One of the big no no’s is if you are going to show someone a picture, whether it be in person or whether it be virtual, make that picture take up the entire slide, the entire thing. Don’t keep a small picture. I mean, it’s just, just don’t do it. If you, if you don’t want to sacrifice the slide that the picture may not be as important.

So, all right. Awesome. Any awesome. Fantastic. Okay, let’s just keep going then. So we see, let me walk through our next presentation that we have here. And [00:12:00] that one is again, every time I finish going through the presentation, I always put a color slide. And that’s just an indication for me. Hey, Elizabeth, you’re done with this toggle back to talk to them.

And then I always start again on this same slide as I’m not revealing anything, but I’m making sure everyone can see that we’re on the same page with the share screen. So this next one was a highly disputed car wreck. And for any car wreck, I always, especially depending on, you know, kind of where we’re at, we talk about an Austin 1 or Dallas.

Obviously, you can see this is if you don’t know, this is kind of like North Dallas area. A lot of people. made me don’t know where that is. So I always want to orientate them with the Google map. So this is what we did. I’ve got my date and again, dates are not as huge, but you want to make sure you notify them.

Hey, this is when a date was. That’s before the pandemic. Okay, because you’re gonna have pictures of people not masks. So Easy thing to do. Grab the Google map, right? So we’ve got a big [00:13:00] picture of Google map. And then again, anytime I can, I’m just going to add some kind of motion to tell them, Hey, this is where we’re going.

We’re going to talk about Farmersville. We’ve got the police report and I’ve basically kind of cut the police report up, meaning I’m only showing them pieces of it. The date, the time, you know, where’s the highway, the speed limit is on here. And again, I’m walking them through this. What you will discover is that most.

focus group people are not going to read the screen. So anytime you have writing on the screen, you need to read it out loud. People may not see it. Maybe they don’t have their glasses. I had, this was a big boo boo for me doing focus groups in person as well as virtual, but I had somebody who basically became very upset because they couldn’t read the screen.

And so I don’t ever want to exclude anyone and that person felt excluded. So just know if you put words on there, you gotta read it out loud for everybody. And again, this [00:14:00] answers a lot of real basic questions that people always ask about CarX. Well, what was the speed on the highway and what time was it at?

And you know, what kind of cars were they driving? And so we went ahead and just pulled this out for the, you know, we’ve got a white truck and we’ve got a gray truck. This also really helps because a Most police reports are have unit one unit two that can get kind of confusing. So you’re going to see what I did Which is basically point out.

These are our two vehicles that are involved. You notice I don’t have people’s names on here Okay, so these are just our unit names And then basically what I did was I jumped back to my map to show them exactly where we were again We’re just using Google Maps. It’s You know, nothing fancy here, and a circle that I put up through PowerPoint.

And then I’m going to walk them through the property damage, right? Because again, they’re going to want to see pictures of both vehicles, happens every time. This is the gray vehicle, correct? And then here’s the narrative, right? So [00:15:00] then I would have read this, but again, just to make sure everybody’s clear on where we are, if you see up in my little corner here, I’ve got, you know, the unit one is the plumbing truck.

Remember they just saw a picture of it. We’re just reinforcing that. And then unit two is the gray truck. Okay. So now we’re kind of on now when I read it, I’m going to pair that together. Unit one plumbing truck and unit two gray truck were traveling North on state highway 78. And I would have read the whole thing to them.

It’s a lot of reading. People may get lost, but this was a huge disputed rec, so it was important for me to make sure and read it to them. And then what we had next was we had, again, this was the field diagram, and then we had actual testimony, right? So we’re not really going to listen to this today, but you would get like, okay, so this was my fanciness.

I put, you know, what the gray truck driver said. And then we went to the next person, right? Which would be the [00:16:00] plumbing truck, right? Okay. So now we’re, and then we had one other person, which was a witness. And then we go through that, so then they get to hear everybody. And then I came back again to this visual aid and a few other pictures that we had.

And again, I’m just like, we’re just going to keep repeating some of this information with them just to make sure they understand a hundred percent. And this is before we have a big discussion with them, right? We want to make sure they have as much information as possible about what happened and what the area looks like in doing this.

The presentation. So those are two really one of them is a really short presentation. And one of them was a long presentation, but what we did was just made sure, especially for when it was disputed. Right? So we wanted to make sure we had a bunch of information. We really wanted to get everything to them before we had a discussion, [00:17:00] because what can happen again?

And this was a wreck that it didn’t involve any drug or alcohol. Did we know that they were going to ask that? Absolutely. Did we make sure that we covered that? Absolutely. Because I don’t want that hanging in their minds. And then that would prevent some additional feedback that we need on the dispute.

And, you know, as far as kind of the questions and things, we will definitely cover that in another live session. But for this session, I just want to make sure that we are looking at one, the simplicity of the information and the simplicity of that PowerPoint. You know, we’re trying to get them to hone in on, um, What we want them to so to do that we need to answer some real basic fact information for them If we need to use the internet to find pictures Let’s do that right so that they can be on the same page with us we always want to use a visual aid at all times right because They’re going to be Um, I’m not going to be bored listening to you or I just drone on about some facts.

They’re going to get me [00:18:00] confused really easily. So even like we had with the first presentation, I showed you that just had really three slides, right? I showed them the completed building. I showed them an example of a pit again with again, almost the action, right? Of showing them, Hey, let’s maybe you’ve had this experience.

You would have driven over this pit and then the one picture that we had and then just, you know, Again, showing some motion arrows to give them an idea about how this whole thing happened. That is still going to keep them engaged, right? One of the things as well that you’ll notice is that I toggle back and forth, right?

I mean, I want to make sure that I see their faces and that they’re paying attention. And that’s one of the tricks about presenting is that you If you have long pieces of information, like a long video, you want to make sure you’re going to break that up. But maybe the longest video you’ve got is 10 minutes.

You’ve still got to figure out a way to like, once you finish with that video, can’t jump into the next one. Like stop, ask a question or have them write something in the [00:19:00] chats when I normally do, or, you know, that way we’re keeping them engaged because that’s what we got to do is just make sure one, we’re, You know, keeping it simple, we’re keeping it visual, and we’re keeping them engaged by asking them to do something, either, you know, it could be as simple as putting it in the chat, that way we’re not kind of breaking our concentration to have a discussion, and then also just making sure that we try to think about answering questions that they may have that aren’t central to the case, right?

So, if somebody asks questions. Again, my example is a car wreck case. Somebody says, well, I want to know about the driving history. We know as lawyers, like that’s something that needs to be evidenced. Like, okay, thank you so much. But digging into that, well, what, you know, like, tell me more about that. Well, that is good.

But at the same time, like, You’re in a focus group. You’re the moderator. You have got questions that you need to get answered, and you don’t want to be rude to this person because they don’t understand the rules of evidence, but you’ve got to boogie on [00:20:00] like, thank you so much and turn and pivot and ask another question or a different question to a different person.

And we’ll talk about moderating and how to do that in the best way possible again, without turning other people off and keeping things focused on what your goals are. But the presentation can really help people hone in on what you want them to do and answer questions so that they can get those things out of their minds.

And we’ll talk about how, like, okay, how do we moderate that and learn what we need to learn, right? We’ll talk about that as well. So, but what I want to just again, remind everybody is the presentations don’t have to be complicated and they should generally give enough information so you can have a good discussion on your points.

Be visual, use a PowerPoint, even if it’s something simple that you grab off the internet. I mean, there have been times where we talk about big box stores. I just go grab a picture of a big box store, you know, and then talk to them about that. Just something to keep them engaged, using the chat, asking them questions to put it [00:21:00] in the chat, you know, before you jump into another informational spot.

This also helps too when you’re thinking about taking breaks. You know, we try to take a Finish a whole presentation, including discussion before we have a break. If we have to have a break in the middle of a presentation, we try to get through at least one particular point and don’t have a discussion and come back.

And then, and again, we’re talking about virtual here in person. You do want to do have the same kind of scope, meaning when will the break be? And like, are they going to talk to each other? And how do we not lose this momentum that we have? What’s the juiciest part of the presentation? All those things you just want to be kind of thinking about and laying it out.

One of the best things that I think helps me in planning my presentation is how long I think things are going to take. And normally, if we have a lot of information we’ve got to give, I need to pare it down, right? Making sure if I only have an hour, I really need to make sure I’m only giving, you know, working through 15 or 20 minutes of [00:22:00] actual information or the presentation and then getting into questions because you want to make sure to tap everybody and give everybody a fair chance and go through all the questions that you may have and at times you may have to run back through your presentation.

Always keep that in mind too. If you’ve got a video, you may have to play it again. If you’ve got pictures, you’re going to probably show those again. So keep that in mind when you’re trying to scope out the time that you’ve got and whether you can or not. And we’ll get, we’ll talk about that when we do some live clip on how to moderate best.

So thanks again for watching. That’s pretty much what we’ve got here for focus group presentations. If you have any questions, please put them in the chat. I’ll make sure to answer them and thanks for joining us.

John Griffith and his 5 Post Pandemic Jury Trials

In this episode, John Griffith who has a personal injury practice joins us from Tennessee. John talks to us about the five trials he has had since the pandemic started. Find out why he thinks trial lawyers have now become better than they were pre-pandemic and some of the notable differences he had seen in trials. 

John specifically touches on some of the work he did during the shutdown in March of 2020, and how he used his time to improve not only his practice but also the other lawyers who were practicing with him as well. Not to mention, he was juggling being president of the Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association from 2020 to 2021. 

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Procedural changes being judge-preference driven
  • How the safety protocols look like post-pandemic
  • The power of visuals in your trials
  • The 13 books John requires his lawyers to read
  • The challenge to keep the jury engaged
  • The impact of focus groups on John’s practice
  • How COVID has redirected people’s focus on the value of relationships

Here is the list of 13 books John mentioned in the episode:

  1. 30 B 6 – Mark Kosieradski
  2. Voir Dire and Opening – by Nicholas Rowley
  3. Damages – David Ball
  4. Reptile  – Keenan/Ball
  5. Rules of the Road – Rick Friedman
  6. Polarizing the Case – Rick Friedman
  7. The Fearless Cross Examiner – Patrick Malone
  8. Don’t Eat The Bruises – Keith Mitnik
  9. Premises Liability – Michael Neff
  10. Moe Levine on Advocacy 
  11. Luvera on Advocacy
  12. The Domino Theory – Ed Capozzi
  13. The Way of the Trial Lawyer – Rick Friedman

Episode Transcript

In this episode, we have a special guest, John Griffith, who is joining us from Tennessee.

John has a personal injury practice, and he is going to talk to us about several trials he has had since the pandemic started, actually five [00:01:00] trials, and some of the differences in things that he has seen. He’s also going to touch on some of the Some of the work that he did during the shutdown in March of 2020, and how he used his time to improve not only his practice, but the other lawyers practicing with him.

Not to mention he was juggling being president of the Tennessee Trial Lawyer Association from 2020 into 2021. This interview is a treat and so I’m excited to have John join the podcast. Hello and welcome to another episode of Trial Lawyer Prep. With your host, Elizabeth Larrick, and today we are gonna connect in with a trial lawyer, John Griffith, who is from Tennessee, and I’m excited to have him join us because he has had several trials since the pandemic started.

I will say Tennessee has really gotten themselves back on track. Much faster than many other states. So I’m excited to have [00:02:00] him here today to talk about what it has been like, what are those trials have been like, and so we’re going to delve into that. So John, welcome to the podcast. Thank you very much.

I’m honored that you would ask little old me from Tennessee to be on your podcast. Come on now, you’ve got fantastic trial experience. John has an amazing way of working with clients and connecting with them. So I was super excited to have you come share your experience with us. So tell us how many trials have you had since March of 2020?

I’ve had five jury trials since March. I had four last summer. I had one last week and they’ve been, everyone’s been a little bit different the way they’ve, as far as procedurally, how they’ve gone. And I, I have no idea what Texas is like right now, but I can tell you, Tennessee, there doesn’t seem to be a streamlined individual [00:03:00] process.

For the most part it is, but it’s very judge driven. Judge preference driven is what we’ve had. Yeah. And I think that’s definitely what we have here. And that’s, I feel like is pretty well across the U S it’s very much up to each judge. So have you generally had the same judge or a different judge? Tell us a little bit about some of those procedural changes.

Nashville is in Davidson County and most of the Davidson County judges. Last week, for example, I had a trial before Judge Brothers last year. I had a trial set before him and just to let you know how much he’s changed. He would not allow jurors last year into his courtroom who had not been vaccinated.

Wow. And he made a statement. He said, well, just let you know, I’m not, this was last August. He said, I’m not going to allow jurors in here that have not been vaccinated. And I was [00:04:00] thinking very quickly, I’m like, this was at the pretrial conference the week before trial. I’m thinking that’s a problem. That’s a big problem.

He said, unless one of you objects, he said, then you can just have another judge and he’s a more conservative judge and I was getting ready to object and the defense lawyer thankfully did it for me and we got transferred to a very more plaintiff neutral judge or plaintiff friendly judge, I should say.

I don’t want to show favoritism. No names are, no names are necessary here. No, no names. So tell me what was that thought that was in your brain that was like, uh, oh, this is a problem. Well, you know, Tennessee and Texas are kind of sister states. We’re kind of very conservative branded states. And the initial thought was, I know, you know, the mask to me [00:05:00] is the liberals MAGA hat.

You know, , A lot of people I’ve heard that said, and I don’t know that to be true, and I’m not trying to make a political statement here, but unfortunately it’s become political. That’s just a reality that we face. And in Tennessee it’s very strong here, very conservative, and so. I was thinking that if those jurors are excluded, the ones who are wearing masks, I just thought it would change the jury pools.

So and anyway, I didn’t know how that would play out. But anyway, we went to a different courtroom. That was not an issue. And at that time last year, procedurally, there was plexiglass between the jurors. We all had to wear masks. I detest wearing a mask when I’m talking to the jury. I cannot stand it.

Witnesses had to wear masks and, you know, he had trouble speaking, hearing them, understanding them speak [00:06:00] up. And finally, midway through the trial, the judge got so flustered. He said, you know, witnesses, you can take off your mask this year. The same judge last year would only allow jurors to be jurors if they had been vaccinated and boosted this year.

Just last week, it was as if covid has never been here. There was no mask requirements at all. It wasn’t really even discussed and the jurors sat right beside each other. And no one judge told the jurors and jury selection said, I want you to remove your mask during jury selection. If you’re selected as jury, you can put it back on.

So I’m like, ooh, somebody’s not gonna like that. These people are not. So anyway, I feel like I’m going around the circle, but it’s everybody’s been different. And it’s relaxed greatly over the last year, with the exception of a couple of judges in Davison County, it’s as if there is no, the covid is [00:07:00] not, doesn’t exist.

Yeah. Yeah. And so the, as far as the plexiglass and that all that, has that come down or is that still up? In some courtrooms it has, and others it remains. There is no general standard. It’s got spirits, but it’s more so now away from the place to get glass. It’s taken down. There’s less mask wearing. I don’t see hardly anyone wearing masks in the courtroom other than the jurors.

And there’s a couple of judges, older judges who have some probable valid health concerns still are. But for the most part, it’s, it’s gotten back slowly, but now pretty much business as usual from my standpoint. Gotcha. Okay. So in thinking of the earlier trials that you had last year, did you prepare any differently knowing these would be jurors that had gone through a pandemic?

Well, one thing I did differently is I got in touch with the most amazing witness coach that I’ve ever had in my life, Danny Ellis [00:08:00] pandering will get you everywhere. Okay. Danny Ellis introduced me and said, you need to call as the play. I called her and the Brandy Miller trial or first trial that I had post pandemic.

And I was nervous. I can understand why some of your listeners would be nervous. I was rusty. I mean, it had been a year and a half since I’d tried a case and Man, I was a little bit more inward focused to be honest with you. I’m like, gosh, John, are you gonna remember, do you remember how to do this thing?

And not to pander, but you really took a load off of me and you did a great job with Brandy and her significant other. I probably shouldn’t name names, but we had a good result in that trial and everybody was really Happy and I was ecstatic with you and you were fantastic, and I’ve, I need to get you back on some more.

I’ve emulated some of the stuff. I, I, I would sit there like a sponge and watch you what you did with her, and I’m like, ah, okay. I, I’m gonna have to [00:09:00] do this on some of my. Not so large cases, but it was, it was worth every bit and I was thankful for that. Well, I appreciate that. And it was great working with you.

And, and I remember talking to you because you know, anytime I go into to talk with people or helping with trial, it’s like, okay, well, what’s the order of witnesses and what’s, you know, what’s going on. And then also we had to have a conversation about like, Is there plexiglass? Like, how are we going to help your client manage this whole big giving testimony, but also this like, Oh, by the way, you may not be able to see anyone because of all the glare on a plexiglass.

So it was definitely a new place. But then I think, and you remind me if I’m correct, like there were still a lot of stuff. You guys just didn’t even know how the judge was going to handle because it was so new. Yeah. So we had to do jury selection in the jury assembly room. And it’s about a 2, 500 square foot room is a huge room.

And they had everybody spaced out six feet apart and they had these [00:10:00] huge columns, support columns in the bottom. It was in the basement of the courthouse and you couldn’t see some jurors. They were depending where you stood, you couldn’t see behind these huge square column. It was just so frustrating.

You had to scream. We had a microphone, you had to wait and everybody had to get a microphone to answer the questions. It was extremely clunky and it was frustrating and it wasn’t the normal room where you had a desk. You had to stand up in the middle, which is I’m great with that. I love that. But it was just uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

And since, since Brandy’s trial, you said everything is kind of like slowly gone back to jury selection in the courtroom. Obviously people sitting right next to each other. Yes. And I haven’t sensed a great deal of discomfort with that. Most people that show up in Tennessee currently, 95 percent [00:11:00] are without masks.

Probably 5 percent are. I’ve tried five cases, but I selected a jury for a friend of mine in a medical negligence case a month ago, and that was in Murfreesboro. Well, 30 miles east of Nashville and there was out of a panel of 65, there was one person wearing a mask. Just one. So I don’t know. You know, we’re not very covid fearful around.

I’ll just tell you, I haven’t been for a long time. Well, and I think it’s everybody. It’s kind of one of those things that when we normally talk about, well, Do we need to really get geographically specific about some of our questions and those kinds of things? And most of the time it’s like, well, no, everybody drives a car and there’s rules of the road everywhere.

But how do you feel like this whole issue post pandemic? Do you feel like this is a much more geographic specific issue? Many people in Houston, Texas, or versus, you know, [00:12:00] Nashville, Tennessee are going to view it differently. I was always struck by Don Keenan when he would write about his. focus groups.

And he said to generalize that the focus groups were not different from city to city, coast to coast. I would be willing to bet my feeling, my gut feeling is that’s not true with COVID. I think there’s some vast geopolitical differences from area to area. Like if you were in, I don’t know, San Francisco versus Nashville, I think there’s going to be a huge difference.

So, Because of that, and we’ve talked about that in our EDGE meetings and other trial lawyer group meetings and CLEs, you know, how do you, do you broach the subject in jury selection? And if so, how do you do it? My feeling is that it’s, I mean, just if you [00:13:00] look at Facebook and other social media, it’s a hot button issue for people, whether you like that or not.

I think it’s just a fact that it is. So I chose to, I don’t say ignore it, but I haven’t, I’m afraid. I’m maybe I’m not skilled enough to ask it in a non divisive way or, or was it that important to me? Was it an overriding concern? The general feeling from a lot of trial lawyers is cove. It has been a good time for plaintiff lawyers because of the safety issues and the safety systemic failures that can lead to harm.

And I kind of believe that. I mean, I think the verdicts. I don’t have any data to confirm this, but I think the verdicts are getting better and better. Yeah. And that was actually one of my questions was there’s a lot of talk in many, many circles. Do you ask about the mask [00:14:00] or do you not? And so you told me you did not ask about wearing the mask or vaccines or anything like that.

I just haven’t been convinced that I could make it relevant in a non offensive way to the jurors. And I’m always One of the things that I’ve changed Post Covid is, well, I’m a, I’m a big Mark Lanier fan. Uh, you’ll see me in Houston every year. I, I love that man. . I admire him greatly. And, you know, I try to learn a new skill every year, and I was, I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t know PowerPoint two years ago.

And I wasn’t as visual. I was visual, but not as visual as I am now. And I think that’s made a huge difference in, in our trials. You’re hitting on all my questions. Which one of the things, one of the things that you’ve changed, you know, since coming back from Covid and was it Covid related or was it, like you [00:15:00] said, you just realized like, Hey, as a trial lawyer, I need to be more visual and, and help the jury along with some visuals.

Yes, that that is incredible, went out and bought me an how to use that. I’ve try mediums and trials, stole from mark. Another, you got all these trial law university and all these free CLEs that were awesome and watching Brian Panish in his negative cross exam. I mean, I, I’ve stolen that stuff and gotten immediate results with that.

I love that. Another big change that I sense. And again, this is just a gut feeling and somebody could prove me wrong easily, but I think jurors are a little bit less patient perhaps. Okay. Tell us about that. Well, I mean, I, I steal everything I do from you. Other great [00:16:00] lawyers, Rachel Montez. I love, I love Texas lady lawyers.

Y’all rock. And I, I, I admire y’all greatly. And one local guy in Atlanta, Joe Freed, I really like him a lot too. And I’ve seen his ceiling on his podcast and things on the speed trial and man trying to three week long trucking case in three days. I just think that’s amazing. So maybe it’s because of that, that I’m just paranoid that I can’t, I’m trying to get my cases, you know, shorter.

And I mean, this last trial I had, I just felt like the jury was, the defense was In my opinion, very repetitive. Although it didn’t hurt ’em that much. and I, I could just see a lot of rolling of the eyes and, you know, a lot of scoffs and just let’s get on with it. And, you know, they’re not idiots. They get it, they get it the first time [00:17:00] usually.

And I think we, I always try to give ’em proper due credit that they’re due. So I am. very focused on kind of drilling down into the essence of the argument as we all try to do. And we should be anyway. One of the things about power point is I think it helps you do that. It helps you drill down to the essence.

You you want to get down to the most important elements of the case and show them in a chronological and easy to digest way. And that’s what I love about power pointed. It forces me to do that. It forces me to lay out the trial like I think it should go. And then you test it in focus groups and you rearrange it and you just repeat the process.

So, this is, I don’t know, this is because of COVID, but I just think, you know, for me as a trial lawyer growing, I’ve become extremely visual now. I mean, we work on our process. You’re talking about process. I mean, every medical deposition must have at least [00:18:00] three graphics or video or something, you know, it’s just a requirement for all my lawyers.

You must have this. You can have five or six, but you’ve got to have at least three. And before depositions, I’ll just quiz them. I’m like, what’s, what’s your plan? What, what do you got? You know, we’re use MetaVisual, some other companies out there and sometimes have the doctor just draw it or, you know, edit YouTube videos to less than two and a half minutes.

It makes a difference. We’re even doing PowerPoints on all of our motions. And my lawyers will swear to you and I will, that it turns the judges in a lot of cases. I had an example last week where judge already made a decision before the plaintiff before we had a chance to argue after we saw the power point turning gave us what we needed.

So It sounds to me like obviously, I mean, well, it sounds like you use the time really wisely that we had where we were just sitting, you know, like you said, [00:19:00] a lot of ceilings were coming in a lot of really quality information and you took that time to. Fresh up, right? Get better, learn new things. And then you had the opportunity to almost immediately start applying it with four trials back to back last summer.

We were very fortunate in Covid because we had some cases settle for what we thought were top dollar during Covid time, and I was. shocked that the insurance companies wanted to settle because if I were them, if knowing them like we all know, insurance companies motivated by one thing and that’s greed is, you know, there’s no hammer, what are we going to do?

We have no threat anymore. The seventh amendment is temporarily dead right now and we have no means of enforcing this. So one of the things we did is, you know, we, we, I told my office like get everything ready for trial, everything. Okay. And so that’s why we were able to try more [00:20:00] cases than anybody in Tennessee, which is only four, you know, it’s not a lot, but you know, it’s, it’s, it’s more than most, but we had probably 13 cases set for trial and, you know, some of them settle and we had fortunately had good success with the ones we tried and I’m just very thankful for that.

And we learned something every time. And so a matter of fact, in February we put on a C. L. E. With some other lawyers who tried some cases, nine trials in nine months. What we’ve learned through the covid era and in 2021. And the main thing was just general trial practice. How do we get better prepared for trial and how do we take medical, better medical proof?

You know, I’ve got four associates and some of them are younger lawyers. And I found out when I’m getting ready for trial a month before trial, I’m just telling on myself here and exposing my transparency. But [00:21:00] there, there were some depositions. I’m like, this is crap. This is crap. I can’t believe that I haven’t trained my lawyers better than this.

And it caused a lot of consternation, a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of man, do we need to, uh, take a non suit on this case and just a tremendous amount of unnecessary stress. So one of the things I did immediately as I put together a learning power point from office like this is how we take excellent killer doctor depositions and I am a depositions and that’s just something that I’m it’s part of our, you know, in Tennessee, doctors are immune from subpoena to trial.

I don’t know how Texas is, but you don’t have doctors unless they’re a paid expert sitting there and outside the courtroom. And so we do it all by video, which is in kind of way is, is helpful because you’ve got that in the can when the [00:22:00] trial goes. And so you don’t have to, it’s part of trial. You don’t have to worry with as much cause you’ve already dealt with and worried about it.

Yeah. No scheduling concerns, but we. I think we came out of Covid being better, being much better than we were. And we did that in part from stealing from good lawyers like you and from Mark Lanier, and from Joe Free and, uh, you know, Nick Row and all, all those people. And Courtney Rally, you know, I’ve, gosh, I, I, I love.

learning. And uh, you know, my lawyers today are at such an advantage. They’ve got all the Rick Friedman books and the Don Kena books and all those. I’ve got a list of 13 books that I require my lawyers to read. Mark Kozlowski. I read 30 B six two years ago and I’m like, I suck as a lawyer. I have been committing malpractice on my [00:23:00] 30 B six depositions for years.

And uh, man, I’m, I’m motions to compel left a didn’t think I’d ever do altruistic lawyer. I’m g never found much for most an idiot. These guys are your clients over and you because of this. So now I sanctions against other l

Yeah. Yeah. Have you, I mean, in, in the trials that you face, did you guys have any of that kind of squirrely behavior where you haven’t, you know, take people or did you have any difficulties with opposing counsel during those, those trials? Yes, yes, not for the most part. We’ve got a pretty good collegial bar here, but there’s some in house lawyers that won’t be named that are very difficult, will not agree.

Not only do they not agree, that’s okay, but they will look for every [00:24:00] way to accuse you of cutting corners and being outright dishonest and we all react the same way to that. You know, you can tell me I’m a bad lawyer and I should have done something differently, but you assault the core value of my soul, my integrity.

Man, that’s, uh, you know, I think, um, as I’ve gotten older, I’m better in control of my emotions because I’m very competitive. I get very frustrated when somebody is trying to thwart justice. You know, the whole reason I went to law school is because I was a claims adjuster and I screwed people for a living and thought I was going to hell for that.

And now I get to take revenge, you know, one claim at a time. But I just I’m so fortunate to do this job to help people and I just, I love my job. I love the people I work with. I love my clients. You know, what other profession, how [00:25:00] many do you have where at the end of the day you’re making a change in their lives and they look upon you like, I guess like they would look upon a doctor sometimes like, Oh man, you did such.

an event to help change my life and I’m so grateful. And by the way, can I send you business? Can I send you other people to come that you can have? Like, sure, that would be great. Right, right. Yeah. But I mean, it’s true. It’s a, you know, the system that we work in is one that it’s foreign. I mean, the civil justice system, the criminal justice system, you have to have a guide, you know, and that’s what lawyers do.

So it’s an honor and privilege to represent people in some of the toughest times of their lives. And help them navigate this system. And because again, you know, we’re, we’re kind of the underdogs, right? We don’t have unlimited resources. We don’t have unlimited time and, and staff. And that sometimes that’s what we face on the other side.

So you’ve given some great, I, you know, as far as visuals, I [00:26:00] think in a timeline is so important and critical for trial. And even like you said, just organization for deposition to make sure that you’re, things that a jury want t engaging with the visual. an organization. Oh my go I’m undiagnosed A. D. D. I have people around me i me out.

But that’s one of better trial lawyer seminar in February was the organization process we go through and the preparation for that. All the checklist titles, the pre trial checklist that we have and that has changed dramatically for us and for the better and made it supposedly less stressful. All this less last trial.

I was very stressed for different reasons, but I’m trying to do a better job of taking care of myself pre trial and and during trial, but [00:27:00] I’m still failing at that and I want to do a better job. Uh, my family suffers what I suffer, you know, and I, I hope to goodness, my, my clients don’t suffer. That’s the first and foremost concern, but you know, I can’t keep staying up till two o’clock and getting up at five o’clock.

Yeah, no, it’s, uh, it’s, it’s so we, you know, we talk about like trial and getting ready. We really want to prepare as much as we can, but I think sometimes we forget, like, we have to at some point, like stop the scurrying and the, and the prep, just to know that like, you know, one, you’ve done everything you can, but also there’s so much energy that we expound and you got to recharge your battery.

You know, even if it’s just having a good night’s rest or getting a workout in during trial. I mean, it really, It’s, it’s hard to convince trial lawyers of that, but it does such wonders for you when you be able to walk in that courtroom and feel even just a little bit refreshed and recharged. [00:28:00] And it’s tough because in this last trial I had, we had a pretrial conference just on the Wednesday before the Monday trial.

And there were some unresolved issues and I learned Friday night that 80 percent of my closing, my PowerPoint was gone. Just just been removed because well, the defense didn’t agree to it. And that was the standard defense got agreed to everything. I’ve never had this before. And and anyway, it was very frustrating.

But then that kind of got me a little bit off my balance a little bit. And I had to recover from that. And it’s difficult when you’re used to giving very visual openings to go to non visual again. Yeah. And so I just shortened it up and did what I could, did the best I could with that. It’s like a log roll.

It just changes. [00:29:00] Yeah. Yeah. And that’s kind of one of the things that is so unusual about our profession is that you can prepare, prepare, prepare. But it’s not just you, there’s a whole other pieces to the puzzle that can change the game very quickly. And you know, how, how do you turn on a dime? You know, how do you be like, okay, well, here’s plan B and here’s plan C and you know, that kind of stuff.

So it’s definitely a challenge and you know, my hat is off to you to take that challenge during COVID for sure. And, and do five trials. I mean, I still consider that right now, you know, we’re still, you know, in the throes of COVID because there’s a new surge coming and there’s a, you know, got to get your fourth booster or whatever it may be.

And I think that how each judge is handling it, you know, makes it makes a difference. I appreciate you sharing all these extra ideas and things, but I love that you have used your time during COVID to basically, um, [00:30:00] Learn how to make yourself better, you know, instead of like, Hey, how do we, you know, focus in?

And also, I think one of the most important things is how is what I’m asking the jury, what I’m showing the jury relevant to them, like keeping it always about how do we keep them engaged? How do we make things shorter? You know, how do we take a good doctor’s deposition on the front end? So that I know a trial.

I’m not worried. Like you said, picking up that transcript and being like, Oh my gosh, how are we going to keep the jury engaged? Like we don’t have what we need here. The testimony is just not there. So have you guys, I know you before the pandemic, y’all were using focus groups. Did you guys keep using those during the pandemic?

Tell me a little bit about your focus groups for getting ready for trial. Yes, I am a huge believer of focus groups for many reasons. So before the pandemic, we were doing in person focus groups. We would meet off site at a neutral place. We would provide lunch. It would be an all day event. Half my office would be out, you know, supporting the [00:31:00] group.

But couldn’t do that COVID. So we were forced to do zoom and I wasn’t excited about that at first, but now I love it. For so many reasons. Number one, it’s much easier to do. We do two a month. We do it every two weeks regardless. It’s on, it’s every Wednesday at 9:00 AM we do one. You can see everybody’s reactions in their face and, and you can record it.

Of course, you can show your client, you can record it before, but really the way we were spread out, you have to have a wide angle lens. So that was. Just not as convenient and we get to practice our jury selection more and all the opening statement, the different methods of focus grouping that we do. My younger lawyers are running these focus groups by themselves.

Most of the time. I’m not even involved unless I wanna be, and it has been such. and an incredible factor for us. It is increased. The value of our cases [00:32:00] is given us confidence going into cases. It had an impact on our trials that we had last summer. Huge impact. So, man, I cannot give enough blessing to if you’re not doing Zoom focus groups now you are missing out.

And we can do three focus groups for about $1,400 less than that. And so we’ll do focus groups for other people. It’s a good way to market to other people, Hey, you got this case, I’ll focus group it for you for free. You know, and they love it. And I’ve gotten business out of it too. So yeah. Anything else you wanna know about that?

I’m, I’m not the master on it, but I’m, I’m knocking at its door. I’m trying to be, we love it. No, that’s super helpful. It’s I talk about virtual being a huge blessing to people for especially solo to small firms. If you’re just starting out like it is a great way to start learning to focus group and low cost.

Convenience is amazing. You just click and [00:33:00] go, you know, and people, people love it. I mean, everybody knows how to do it now. Like, because their kids had to zoom on school. You had to see your doctor on zoom, your financial advisor. You know, we all did zoom and had to learn it or that’s how we got in touch with our family.

So. The learning curve, the technology was taking care of for us. And we think as lawyers, we know so much and the more focus groups I do, like, we just don’t have a clue. The things in the trial you helped me with, I learned some extremely valuable information through the focus groups that, that to me, Turn the tide in that case.

So, yeah, I, I would feel naked and afraid if I went into, uh, a trial without focus group. Again, , I’m gonna use that naked and afraid. All right, . So I got one last question and it’s about your closing argument. Did you use anything in your closing arguments that had to deal with the experience that we all have had going through the pandemic?

I did not. I did not. I’d [00:34:00] love to sit here and tell you I’ve had some great tidbit of that. I’ve heard some suggestions on that and I just, I’m not adverse to them at all. I just haven’t, I haven’t used any of that. So. That’s okay. No, I’m just, I’m curious. I think it’s like you said. There’s a lot of conversation in our circles of, Hey, what are you trying?

And what are you doing? What are you talking about? And you have to use what is comfortable to you. Well, I will tell you that I’ve used, I’ve broached that subject in focus groups and I ask them, what is the one thing you’ve learned about yourself during the pandemic? And. It varies widely, but a lot of people, an overarching theme was relationships.

I missed the relationships with people. I missed the interaction. I missed the humanity of, of interacting with people. One person said, I miss just opening doors for [00:35:00] people, you know, and just being nice because when you give away a gift of love or grace, you know, you get something in return. And I think a lot of people have just missed out on that.

I mean, I’m really not doing anything differently, but I always focus on the relationships. You know, some of the hardest trials I’ve had to show harms are the ones I remember I had a trial about three years ago, this lady, she worked at a Home Depot. She was 68 years old or thereabouts, and she had no relationships with anybody.

She didn’t have a husband. She had no children. She was an introvert. She just st

but I had no before and after witnesses. The only one that I could bring was a coworker. And she said, uh, yeah, she’s kind of a grumpy old soul. And, uh, and, but, and I would have brought her for that. Just say, Hey, that’s, you know, this is who she [00:36:00] is. And she still has value or tried to find a way to make that palatable.

But she said, uh, yeah, she’s. Fall. There were some other issues, some prior injury issues. I’m like, oh, she’s gonna hurt us, not help us. You know, she’s fallen down many times at work, . So, so, but it was just hard because there was no relationship with anyone. There was no, no community. There was no, she, I don’t wanna say didn’t contribute.

That’s harsh, but it was just hard to show that. So. Point is, we always focus on the value relationships, but I think what COVID has done, I think there’s opportunities to really inject those with a lot of passion now, because I think it means more to people. Absolutely. Yeah, that was, that’s a, that’s a great question to ask people in focus groups just to learn.

In general, what people are saying, and then like you said, give it back to them. You don’t have to even ask them in jury selection, just talking about it. People are going to know that [00:37:00] experience of like not being able to connect with somebody. And some people learn that they don’t necessarily need it as much, right.

Or they were, you know, doing too much and not recharging their own battery or taking care of themselves. And all those things still help, you know, but focus groups help us learn. what’s in their heads, like the conversation pieces without us having necessarily always have that conversation with them in jury selection.

Yeah. And I think a way that will help, I think a beneficiary of COVID too, and these relationship issues are your elderly clients. And cause I’ve got a trial coming up June 20th that has an elderly client and You know, I’m reminded of Keith Mitnick’s all time is not equal argument that, you know, sometimes they’re more precious when they’re fewer.

If you know someone’s on their deathbed and they don’t have that life expectancy, but their their time is more valuable. And that time a lot of people and and this came out in jury selection [00:38:00] and the medical negligence case, some parents had died. through covid and they wish that I had more time to go back and spend time with him or they wish they’d have known that was the last time they were going to see their parents like if I had known like what is that worth?

What would you pay for that? I just blogged on that. It’s like, you know, I didn’t know my dad was going to die January 19th of 2019. I mean, what would I pay for one more day with my father? you know, and it wasn’t COVID related, but I think, I think that’s the overriding thing. I think people are just re in tune with the power of relationships and hopefully that will stick with us for a while.

Hopefully this coming out of the covid era will not, it won’t be faint very quickly. Sure, sure, sure. And I think one of the things you pointed out as well in our conversation was time is so precious to them. They’re very impatient. They want you to get to the point to hurry up because their time means something more to [00:39:00] them because they lost it.

You know, we all lost sometimes a year for some people, you know? So I think that that’s also a really good conversation piece. So. Yeah. Well, as we wrap up, I want to ask you one final question, which is what advice would you have to lawyers who are finally returning back to the courthouse for their first trial post covid in 2022?

That is a tough question and I don’t know why it’s tough, but I will tell you that wrapping up these trials and going into my sixth one and about a month and a half, I finally feel like I’ve Kind of got the rust shaken off. I felt like that last summer, but, um, I would just focus on being extremely prepared, extremely organized.

I feel silly saying that because you would do that anyway. But I was nervous. I was nervous. And it’s a struggle for [00:40:00] lawyers to be at times when you’re nervous to be outwardly focused. And I would Just try to get rid of those butterflies and get rid of that voice inside your head. I mean, I don’t know who said it, but you can only listen to one voice inside your head at a time, and I deal with a lot of younger lawyers and I try to train them to quit worrying about what.

Your next question is focus outwardly continually and practice that I know you can get better with that over time and practicing. So we can’t control those issues. And as a lawyer, things change midstream and it’s like military. It’s like man down. What are your options? We don’t have time to cry and and and have a pity party session.

It’s like what? Who’s next? Next man up. We gotta go. And What are your options? So I would just say that I would [00:41:00] say be outwardly focused. Don’t listen to that voice of doubt inside your mind and be confident that, you know, you don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to be 100%. Sometimes. I mean, the jury always gives you a pass on that.

Just be organized and just have a plan. and everything will work out. And just remember you’re on the side of justice and you’re doing, I think we’re doing God’s work and I’m very proud to do this and do it with a passion and do it with humility and positivity. Awesome. Well, thank you so much. I think that that is Helpful because, you know, if you haven’t been in the courtroom, you got a lot and you got a lot of voices, a lot of people talking to you up in here, uh, up in your brain.

So I think that that is so helpful. And you mentioned having an awareness, that being one of the most important things. You walk in a trial and, you know, focus groups really help you with that because they take away some of that unknown [00:42:00] because you practiced. You know what some people’s reactions are. So like you said, doesn’t have to be perfect, but you’ve practiced it and you can kind of calm down some of those voices and just make sure you’re being present and being aware and jury or not.

Everybody knows when you’re thinking about something else. Think about having a conversation with somebody and then all of a sudden you’re like, Oh my gosh, I got to go fold the clothes. Like they know that you have gone somewhere else. And so I think that that is great advice for people because we have a tendency to do that.

You know, we’re got to think of the next thing, the next thing. And I think that’s great advice. So thank you, John, so much for joining us on this episode.

Myth Busting for Lawyers on Focus Groups

There is no doubt how important focus groups are in helping trial lawyers present to a live group of people. Not only does running practice groups hone your presenting skills, but it also helps you with your materials and it helps you get valuable feedback from those who are completely uninvolved with your case.

However, a lot of trial lawyers are still hesitant about doing it or they just don’t see the value in it mainly because they have certain assumptions and beliefs that aren’t necessarily true. 

In this episode, I’m sharing three main myths about focus groups that are circulating around which need to be debunked and clarified. And if you can just get through some of these, it will help you correct those misconceptions as a trial lawyer, and hopefully, you can start running focus groups and get the benefits out of them.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Myth #1: Focus groups = mock jury
  • Myth #2: Relying on focus groups to determine the monetary value of your case
  • Myth #3: It has to be done in person.

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Supporting Resources:

To learn more about different styles of focus groups, check out this quick blog

If you are starting your own Virtual Focus Groups, download this quick checklist to help you get started: 

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Episode Credits:

If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at Let them know we sent you.

Episode Transcript

Hello and welcome. I am your host, Elizabeth Larrick, for this episode of Trial Lawyer Prep, a podcast designed to prepare trial lawyers to connect with jurors in the courtroom.

One of the methods that I talk about often on this podcast [00:01:00] and have spent actually several episodes recently is focus groups and how important they are with the ability to get up and present to a live group of folks from the community. Not only does this help you practice, It’s your presenting skills, but also helps you with your materials and getting valuable feedback from those folks who are completely uninvolved with your case.

In episodes 19 and 20, we talked about a DIY, do it yourself, building your own system to run focus groups out of your office. If you want to catch those episodes, please do so. They help with. Setting up logistics of it, but then also like how to plan and think about and craft your presentation and your questions.

One of the things that came to me though was talking about a few of the myths that I hear often about focus groups. And I probably should have talked about those in those [00:02:00] episodes. But I felt like it was important enough, so we’ll set it aside for its own episode here today. And that is we’ve got three kind of main myths that I hear often about focus groups that I just want to tackle and bust them today because I feel like if we can get through some of these, these three very important myths about them, it will really help you as a trial lawyer.

So let’s get started. be able to wrap your arms around starting to do focus groups and also kind of correct some of the misconceptions that we have that are out there. One of the biggest myths that I hear is that focus groups automatically equal mock juries and that’s what a focus group is. It is a mock jury and that is a total myth.

There are 50 or more different styles of legal focus groups that you can run. Mock juries are one really great way to run a focus group. That’s a wonderful style to use if you are on the doorstep of trial [00:03:00] and you need to just run the whole gamut through the focus group. That’s a great way to do it.

However, that’s not the only way and it’s also not really very cost effective if you are a solo or a small firm because that’s a lot of organization. Generally you’re going to have to have a pretty significant space to do that kind of set up. Plus you’re going to need to rely on some close friends to come serve as other parties or other people in that mock jury.

And ultimately it just can be a very long endeavor as far as planning goes. literally that day, mock jury, and then being able to analyze everything. So it’s kind of a large step into it. That would be really intimidating if that was the only way to get feedback on your cases, but it’s not. Um, there are tons of different styles.

There are other episodes that I run where I talk about, you know, five really simple focus groups that you can do right now that are really easy and they’re short. They’re [00:04:00] easy to do. They’re easy to set up and they’re easy to get feedback that you can use. You know, to remove yourself from getting some of that bias feedback that we have.

So that’s one of my biggest questions that I always get and a lot of folks who are looking at trying to start doing focus groups or hearing about focus groups. We have heard for so long, it’s just about mock trial, just about mock juries. It’s not, there’s other ones out there. Let’s just move forward. So another really big myth that I hear about is that focus groups will give me.

The value of my case, you know, the settlement value or the number that I should ask for at my trial. And that is a big myth. It’s really not safe to rely on focus groups to give you the numbers, the value of your case. They can assist, they can give you some bumpers, they can give you some thoughts and feedback on it.

But one of the big things that I [00:05:00] learned very early on about focus groups is that it’s like monopoly money. It’s not real to them. You can struggle and you can try very hard to make a very realistic approach and a very realistic style of focus group presentation to make them feel much more involved.

But still at the end of the day, it’s monopoly money. They’re just. Throwing things out there. It has no real impact to them. There are ways to learn more about what comes behind the numbers. That’s always a good question to ask them, but I always caution people, Hey, that’s, that’s a really, I mean, you as a trial lawyer have a lot of experience.

You have a lot of other tools in your toolbox to figure out the value of your case. This is a big hesitation area when people come to me and say, Hey, I want you to find out the value of my case. I say, Oh man, that’s, that’s danger territory. You really do not want to rely on that because it’s [00:06:00] just monopoly money.

And I really caution people doing that and other other ways, like I said, to find information Other ways to get really good feedback about what gives your case value. Meaning what are important pieces of cases or what are more pieces of information that you would want to present that have value to folks in the community.

Those are a little different than the monetary value. Uh, so let me be very clear. We’re talking about the monetary value of your case. And you can run lots of focus groups. I mean, there are tons of quantitative focus groups where you can get thousands of people to run through, you know, the scenario and give you numbers.

But even then, it’s just still really, I caution folks to put too much credibility on. that monetary value you’re getting from, from jurors. Now I can give you your guidelines, your bumpers if you want on either side, but at the end of the day I think that finding that number is really [00:07:00] something that you are best suited to do knowing what you know about the case.

And that brings me to myth number three, which I’m hearing more of lately, which is that focus groups must be done in person. You’re not going to get the same results. You’re not going to get the same value or feedback online. I totally disagree with this. Although let me just say I was in the same boat when the pandemic hit, you know, I canceled everything that I had focus groups.

Client preparation and just sat and hoped. Through April that things would change, but they just did not and doing a lot of figuring out why am I so resistant to moving to virtual? Can you get all the same information? And ultimately just went for it. Right. And of course it was rocky at first. I mean, I got to learn the technology, you got to figure out the system [00:08:00] and it was rocky, but I stuck with it.

I mean, focus grouping is the same. And just like any other skill that we need as a trial lawyer, it’s something that you got to learn and you got to practice and that’s how you improve. And it’s just like your first opening statement. It’s probably going to think, but you’re going to keep going at it because It’s important, it’s vital, and it’s just what we do as trial lawyers.

And that’s what I did. And at this point, you know, through 2020, 2021, and now in 2022 have run hundreds of virtual focus groups. Now some things aren’t as well suited for virtual. We definitely tried to do an adversarial focus group and. Ran into some troubles there as far as Zoom fatigue and other presentation styles that just work better in person, but overall have gotten great results, great feedback that have significantly helped people through the pandemic and [00:09:00] going into trials.

And we talk about that in episode 18, kind of some really simple, you know, what’s so great about virtual focus groups, convenience. Factor for everybody involved, the cost factor so much better. And, you know, like I always talk about, if you’re just now starting out, that is a great place to start. I mean, where we were when we started the pandemic to where we are now, technology has come leaps and bounds and making it so much easier for us.

Plus I am sure you have endured many, many zoom depositions. So you also have learned what to do and what not to do when it comes to handling some of that technology. But those are three of the main myths that I hear often, and I always try to say, hey, you know, that’s just not necessarily the way that it is.

We can be open to other stuff and find ways to work around some of the things like finding the monetary value of your case, or learning about your case without having to do a mock jury, or [00:10:00] let’s just do a virtual. You know, let’s just do a virtual, we’ll, we’ll work around all the things that you may think need to be done in person.

And if we got to do it in person one, then hey, we can do that down the road, but let’s, let’s move fast. And that’s the nice thing also about virtual focus groups. All right, well, I hope that this episode was helpful. If you have questions about some of the things we talked about, monk juries, finding the monetary value of your case, or learning more about virtual focus groups, please reach out.

My email is always in the show notes of the episode. If you’re thinking about virtual focus groups, I’ve got a free download that basically gives you kind of a checklist. And also some of the forms that I use for confidentiality and forms for finding participants. So happy to share that. I also put that in the show notes, but if you enjoyed this episode, please, I would ask that you leave a review on your favorite podcast app.

This way it will help others find this podcast and maybe help them prepare [00:11:00] better for their next trial. All right. Thanks again. Have a good one.

Jury Trial Preparation: Game Plan the Basics

Jury trials can be really messy. Changes happen often and frequently every day and it can be different things, whether it be the judge, the jury, or the opposing counsel. Preparation is long. It takes many hours working on witnesses, experts, order of proof, not to mention openings, closings, and jury selection. And that doesn’t even go to tackling the paperwork that you have to do as well – the motions, the jury instructions, the witness lists, the exhibit lists. 

All these things are a huge part of preparing for jury trial. And when we do all this, at times, we forget about this one really big piece of trial – an overall game plan for the day-to-day logistics. Talk about parking, lunch, meeting room, printer, even down to getting a bottle of water. This is an important piece because, without these really small things, a huge amount of stress can happen. 

In today’s episode, let’s take a look at some trial preparation from a logistics perspective and things you can do to avoid stress. Although this doesn’t take a lot of thought, coming up with a game plan to cover the basics is always helpful.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Things to expect before trial
  • The importance of logistics
  • Things to think about from a logistics perspective
  • Preparing for different scenarios
  • Where to take lunch, checking the courtroom, construction, security, etc. 

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We’d love it even more if you could drop a review or 5-star rating over on Apple Podcasts. Simply select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then a quick line with your favorite part of the episode. It only takes a second and it helps spread the word about the podcast.

Supporting Resources

Larrick Law Firm

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Episode Credits:

If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Emerald City Productions. They helped me grow and produce the podcast you are listening to right now. Find out more at Let them know we sent you.

Episode Transcript:

Elizabeth Larrick: [00:00:00] Welcome to Trial Lawyer Prep. What if you could hang out with trial lawyers and jury consultants? Ask them about connecting with clients and juries more effectively. Then take strategies, tactics, and insights to increase your success. Each week, Elizabeth Larrick takes an in depth look at how to regain touch with the everyday world, understand the emotional burden of your clients and juries, and use focus groups in this process.

Elizabeth is an experienced trial lawyer, consultant, and founder of Larrick Law Firm in Austin, Texas. Her goal is to help you connect with juries and clients in order to improve your abilities in the courtroom. Now, here’s Elizabeth.

Hello, this is your host, Elizabeth Larrick, with Trial Lawyer Prep, a podcast designed for how to prepare cases and clients in a way to connect with jurors in the courtroom.

Today’s topic, we are going to look at some trial preparation. Trial [00:01:00] can be really messy. Changes happen often, frequently, quickly, every day, different things, whether it be the judge, the jury, the opposing counsel. Preparation can be long. Many, many hours working on witnesses, experts, order of proof, not to mention openings, closings, jury selection, and that doesn’t even go to tackling the paperwork that you have to do as well.

The motions, the jury instructions, a witness list, exhibit list. All these things are a huge part of preparing for trial. And when we do all this at times, we forget about one really big piece of trial. And that’s not forming a overall game plan for the day to day logistics, like parking and lunch and a meeting room, or even I’m going to the point of like, do we have a printer?

Can we print this motion out? Can we get it filed? Even down to bottled water. And I [00:02:00] feel like this is a pretty important piece because without these really small things, huge amount of stress can happen. If you can’t find a parking spot and you’re late, you are stressed. If you need a bottle of water and they don’t have anything in the courtroom, you are stressed.

you got a problem. So these are really small things, but they play such a big role in having a solid trial and having these things taken care of in the preparation to form a game plan is really low. It doesn’t take a lot of thought, but it can take some planning. But once it’s done, you can design a system for Anywhere you’re going to have a trial and that’s what I encourage you to do.

And that’s what we’re going to talk about today with this episode. And this really comes from a place of recently I was assisting two different lawyers, two different trials, getting ready. And one of the things I always, uh, Talk about with clients or with [00:03:00] witnesses is what I call logistics. Where are you going to park?

Can you walk that far? Do you have the cash to pay for that parking? Do you know what you’re going to do for lunch? And we even go over very basic, like the trial starts at 9 a. m. That means you need to be in the courtroom by at a minimum of 8 45. You are going to meet with this staff, you guys are going to exchange cell phone numbers.

You know, you’re going to be here on this day or you’re not coming until Thursday. And we really walk through some very basic information that does not change about trial. We always talk about the first day because that is really set. We generally know what you’re going to do. After that, it’s a free for all.

So one of the things I really. I encourage lawyers to do and one of the things I always do with my clients and getting them ready for trial is walk through this basic information because after they gain this information, then we have to prepare them [00:04:00] for the mental part of constant change and the inability to always stop.

And be able to ask questions because trial happens really quickly. And as lawyers, we’re ready for that. We understand that we’ve gone through that before. If you haven’t gone through a trial before, that’s what you can expect is there may be a motion that gets filed and you have to argue it in the next morning, there may be a new exhibit.

You have to review that 600 pages that you weren’t ready for. There may be a different witness that has to go out of order. I mean, Um, things are constantly changing and preparing as best as you can for that is what we really try to do. You can’t always prepare for everything, but we can always be ready for change.

And that’s why I emphasize the importance of the logistics as a small piece that we can do to really reduce some stress. Let’s just avoid this stress that may happen in, of course, it happens naturally with clients and it happens [00:05:00] with us, whether we like to admit it or not. And so back to my talking about.

Um, helping out with these two different trials, I kind of start asking those questions with the lawyers. Hey, what do you guys do for lunch every day? Do you have a meeting room where you meet up? Does the courtroom have a room that you guys can take over and lock? Are you going to take bottled water with you?

Are you going to have pen and paper? Do you have a printer there? You know, where do you expect the clients to park? And it was a lot of really big question marks. And we had one trial that was basically going to be out of town for this set of lawyers. And so. Okay, well, let’s work on that, you know, maybe I’ll get a contact and we’ll find you a place that’s really close to the courthouse so you can walk over there, meet the clients, have lunch there, you know, leave your stuff there, walk back to the courthouse.

The other trial that I was helping with was in the same hometown, so the lawyer was 100 percent used to, oh yeah, park here. Oh yeah, I just bring my lunch because you can’t go in the courthouse cafeteria. Like, Oh, these are all really important things to help the client with too. So [00:06:00] what’s the game plan then for them?

Because there’s going to be three of them or four of them, or there’s just one of them. And do you have any staff that’s going to be helping and, Okay. If you don’t have staff, like we really need to let everyone else know what they can expect, that they can’t reach and talk to you during the trial. So these two experiences made me think, okay, let me just throw this out on the podcast because It’s just another thing to think about, but it’s also really, really simple.

And where this comes from for me was I had done several trials and we just winged it, you know, like, Oh, we’re just going to show up and maybe it’s in our hometown and we park, we always park, or maybe it’s out of town and we’re just going to figure it out when we get there. And that’s generally what we did.

But once I did my time with the Keaton law firm and we had three separate trials, In three very different places, you know, Kentucky, Seattle, Vegas. Those are all [00:07:00] very different places with all very different rules. But that was one of the things we always tackled first was logistics. Okay, scope it out.

Where are we going to park? What are we going to do for lunch every day? Where are we going to meet with the clients? Who’s assigned to meet with the clients? And That way we always knew where to go. We didn’t have to worry about where am I going to be able to go print this? We always had a printer with us.

Who is going to tackle these things? Okay, well, we’re going to assign these tasks to this person, or this is, you know, this issue goes with that person. And if it comes up at trial, you got to tackle it. It’s going to be your issue. But it was always really helpful because we did that first. And then we got to preparing everything else, order of proof, talking to witnesses, practicing opening.

And once we started on the day one of trial, we knew all the daily stuff was easy for us, right? That was not a barrier. [00:08:00] There was no stress there. And so coming up with a game plan to kind of cover the basics is always a super helpful task. Like I said before, it doesn’t take very long, but it’s really thoughtful in thinking of, okay, where are we going to meet?

Some people call it a war room. It’s just a meeting room where basically you can leave your stuff there. If you need to, you can meet with clients there. Witnesses can be there. Experts can meet there. That’s where you’re going to bring your extra printer to print things. If you need to for motions or exhibits, you got your bottle of water there ready for you.

Take it with you to the courtroom. extra paper, pens, pencils, binders, all your kind of supplies of extra things that you may need because you can’t go back to the office in the middle of trial. And it also helps at times if you’ve got a team assembled, somebody can work in that room while the trial is going on, meeting with a witness, getting them ready, or meeting that expert and taking them over to [00:09:00] the courthouse.

But it really It gives a neutral place where you can meet, have open conversations, because sometimes it’s in the courthouse, sometimes it’s not. I recently listened to a podcast for a verdict that came out of Midland, Texas, with John Bailey, and they had a pretty rural courthouse situation, so they just pulled a travel trailer over there.

And that was their place where they were able to meet, they had everything they needed there, and that’s such a great idea. Not necessarily something we could do here in Austin, or other courthouses, but it’s just being resourceful and they really took the time to make sure that they thought that through and took care of that very basic need for everybody.

And then nobody had to worry about where to go. The other thing that you can put in your game plan is parking. This is always, I feel like, an issue for most courthouses and how much is it going to cost and where is it going to be and what is the time to walk over the courthouse. Can somebody drop you off?

All these things. I know parking seems [00:10:00] like such a Really small thing. Elizabeth really, we’re spending time talking about parking for trial prep. Yes, because I have been that person that has not thought about it and just winged it. And then, oh my gosh, I had to walk 10 blocks with all of my stuff. Not a good appearance as you walk in, like super out of breath or completely flustered and everyone else straight to go.

And that really small mental thing can just. really ravage your day because it’s hard to get back from that. It’s hard to come back down from that because then you’re always behind the ball. We don’t want to start that way. So that’s why I emphasize this game plan. Another part of the game plan is where are you guys going to have lunch every day?

I know some lawyers don’t eat during trial. I don’t necessarily think that’s a good idea. Maybe at least eat something. But you want to make sure at least you know where you’re going to have lunch for the clients. Are you going to have it brought in? Is it going to be at the meeting room or the war room?

I always try my best to avoid having [00:11:00] anybody eating down at the courthouse cafeteria because you just don’t want to run into jurors or even create that possibility. So you’d have it brought in or bring your lunch every day or, you know, have a stash of protein bars or peanut butter crackers or fruit, whatever it is that would help you have some energy and kind of keep that energy up.

So food and water are always super important. Another part of the game plan is the courtroom, right? Where is the closest restroom? Is there an elevator that we’re going to have to take up six floors? Are we going to have to wait for everybody else? That’s Going to court that day, and is that going to take time if you’ve got a cart or a dolly that you need to take into the courtroom?

How easy is it to get there? Can you not get it up there? Is it all stairs? All these really simple questions that you would want to know. Before, and I know a lot of people wait until the week before trial, uh, uh, don’t do that, especially on the technology part. I mean, it’s very easy to set up a time to go in to an empty [00:12:00] courtroom and sit in there, check out all the technology, what kind of cords, what things are needed.

Do they have easels? Do they have flip charts? Should we bring our own? But also just getting that visual down because once you have the visual down, you can then use it in all of your preparation as far as thinking about standing there giving that opening or questioning that witness or asking the jury questions.

That visual is very, very helpful in just getting your mind ready for preparation. Is there an extra room? Sometimes courthouses have rooms for the lawyers to use, and they lock it for you every night. Sometimes they don’t. Some courthouses don’t even lock their courtroom, so you want to make sure you take everything out.

But these are really, really small questions that can create a lot of stress. Carrying your stuff in and out every day can be a problem, and especially if you’re by yourself, right? Taking those exhibits back and forth every day, very small things that make a huge impact to you. Other things that I always like to consider for my [00:13:00] game plan is, is there construction in the area?

What is the traffic like? Are there going to be other trials or motions that go on in the courthouse that may impede traffic for you as far as going through security every day? And these are all items, this game plan can be tackled by staff. It doesn’t have to be you. It can be you. If you are solo like me, it would be you, but it just helps you avoid the stress.

It really creates an assurance that you have the things that you need and you’re really giving peace of mind to people. client, to your staff, to your witnesses, that, hey, we, we’ve got these real basic covered. We, you know, exactly where to go. Your basic needs are met. After that, it’s kind of a free for all.

No, no, no. Just kidding. It’s not really a free for all, but sometimes it feels like that. Now you may be saying to yourself, okay, my trials are in the same courthouse every year. I always go. I know what to expect. None of that’s going to [00:14:00] change. Well, it’s post pandemic. A lot of things have changed in courtrooms and courthouses.

Some of them haven’t. But, at a bare minimum, I know security changes often and frequently at most courthouses, construction around courthouses changes often and frequently, all these really small things that could put a cog in your flow, and that’s what we want to avoid, right? So this is a really, really simple concept.

But I think that’s why it gets overlooked, because it’s just so simple. It’s simple to do, simple not to do, but doing it will create a really helpful plan for everybody to be on the same page, create some really basic expectations, and take care of some simple Simple needs that you will have during trial, everyone will have during trial and we’ll just check things off that list so then you can move to the heavier mental things that go along with trial.[00:15:00]

I hope that you found this episode helpful. If you have questions about sketching out a game plan, please ship me an email. If you found this podcast episode helpful, please rate and review it. That is a good way to lead other people to the podcast. Of course, I’d love for you to share it as well. Thanks again, and we’ll catch you next time.

DIY Virtual Jury Research Focus Groups Part 2

Today is the other half of our two-part series on virtual focus groups, where we specifically tackle the logistics or the backend of virtual focus groups.

First off, there’s a lot of different software and technology that goes into doing virtual focus groups. Although there are ways to use these resources for free, the cost of buying them is relatively low compared to hiring a professional videographer or buying your own video camera and audio system.

Then we break down the setup for a virtual focus group into four buckets: recruiting, communication, the focus group itself, and the wrap-up. We also discuss four parts of the system that you need to nail down to make sure you’re getting the most out of your virtual focus groups.

In this episode, you will hear:

Ways to recruit people who will join your focus group Setting up Google Forms to make it easier for people to respond Why you need to get a confidentiality agreement signed and how to do it Choosing the right platform for running the focus group  Ways to pay people online and make sure you don’t  Four parts of your system to get all of them in place How to make sure those confidentiality emails are sent How to use Zoom settings that work best for you Why it’s best to have a second person who will help you run the focus group Subscribe and Review

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Supporting Resources:

Larrick Law Firm

If you have any questions about virtual focus groups, don’t hesitate to email me:

Ready to get started on doing your own virtual focus groups? Here is a free download that can help you, which includes several resources like a questionnaire and confidentiality agreement.

Episode Transcript:

Elizabeth Larrick: [00:00:00] Welcome to Trial Lawyer Prep. What if you could hang out with trial lawyers and jury consultants, ask them about connecting with clients and juries more effectively, then take strategies, tactics, and insights to increase your success? Each week, Elizabeth Larrick takes an in depth look at how to regain touch with the everyday world, understand the emotional burden of your clients and juries, and use focus groups in this process.

Elizabeth is an experienced trial lawyer, consultant, and founder of Larrick Law Firm in Austin, Texas. Her goal is to help you connect with juries and clients in order to improve your abilities in the courtroom. Now, here’s Elizabeth.

Welcome to another episode of trial lawyer prep. I am your host, Elizabeth Larrick, and we are going to talk about DIY virtual focus groups.

Why? Because that’s what this podcast is designed to do. I want to give you a tip. [00:01:00] Um, literally how to do focus groups, witness prep, trial prep, to prepare your cases better to sleep better at night. And today is our second part of our two part series of virtual focus groups. If you’d like to pause and go listen to part one about what on earth are virtual focus groups and why would I want to do that?

And how would I even do one of those? Go ahead and jump back. To episode number 19, or if you feel really confident in that, or just want to listen to what I have to say today about putting together virtual focus groups and stick around because we are tackling logistics, what I like to call logistics, at least the backend of virtual focus groups.

And there is going to be a checklist for virtual focus groups that I use. Also, I think there’s some forms and the confidentiality that I use all that is going to be in the show notes. [00:02:00] There’s been a download for that. So just to kind of help synthesize a lot of this information and just kind of give you a simple checklist.

So that will definitely be in the show notes. And what I kind of want to do is give an overview. You know, there’s lots of different Software and technology that goes into doing virtual focus groups, but it’s a little bit easier to think about, okay, let’s take it step by step and then talk about the software and the technology kind of all at one piece as well.

I mean, most of this technology is free. Uh, there are ways to do it free and some of it. The thing that you do have to pay for is still really low cost compared to hiring a professional videographer or going out and buying your own video camera audio system. And I’m talking about Zoom, you know, the online video software that basically hosts and video records, audio records.

The whole virtual focus group. So let’s take it one step at a time. And [00:03:00] kind of how I think about the setup for a virtual focus group is one recruiting, we’ve got to advertise, we’ve got to recruit these people. Then I always think about communication. Meaning this kind of that lead up time before the focus group, then the focus group, and then a little bit about after.

So that’s kind of four different parts to setting up a virtual focus group. So let’s talk a little bit about recruiting. This is one of the most frequent questions that I get, which is where do you get these people? Where do you find all these people? So I’ve been using Craigslist for very, very long time to find in person.

And still use it to do virtual. So that is a good resource, depending on where you’re looking. You know, most of the Craigslist have a list for areas and, you know, easy to figure out. One of the things that has happened since probably the start of pandemic, but maybe before that, I just didn’t know, cause I wasn’t doing virtual focus groups, is that there are groups that will connect [00:04:00] your.

Craigslist posts to other websites and Facebook groups. So at times you may get bombarded your Austin, Texas. Craigslist posts may get bombarded with a bunch of people from California or New York or lots of other places. So. Just keep that in mind that you may have one ad in your location that will get several people from outside your region that are applying and that’s kind of why that happens.

They’ll pull those ads and put them into groups and put them in different posts or different websites so that other people can apply for them. Facebook is another place that you can totally advertise. You can create a free Facebook business page for your focus groups if you want to. Or I know there are a lot of firms where basically you, or if you have staff, they will join different groups that are on Facebook for jobs and basically kind of post a little something in there.

Hey, we’re doing these virtual focus groups. We just need folks to come in for three hours. Here’s the pay. You know, if you’re interested, [00:05:00] email this email. That’s another really great way to gain. people and it’s a free resource. It does take a little time to kind of build because you got to have several groups to make that kind of fruitful.

I’ve also used next door to advertise. I’ve paid for advertising on Facebook. I’ve also done online newspaper ads. I mean, there’s all kinds of ways to advertise. It just really kind of depends on if you’re looking for a group that is maybe outside of your city, if you’re trying to get people in Houston or maybe Seattle, like you may just want to research what’s in that area.

As far as job boards, some are free, some are not, and just kind of posting your ad up there and seeing what you get. Low bar, try Craigslist. It’s very easy. You write it in there. Sometimes they’re 20. Sometimes they’re 35. Sometimes they’re 45. Just depends on the city. Anyhow, that’s a great way. And inside your ad, Craigslist does not really want you to put an email address inside the ad.

So what I normally do when I am [00:06:00] recruiting is I use Google Forms to create a form that people just click a link and go and they fill out a form and then the results are saved in Google Drive. And, One of those forms is actually in the download that is going to be the show notes. So if you’re curious about that, setting up forms in Google drive is fairly easy.

It’s fairly intuitive. There are a couple snafus that can happen and frustrate people. That’s happened to me. And it’s just a couple of clicks. And Google makes it really easy to watch videos. If you want to do that, I’m happy to jump on a call to I’m going to do a zoom call and show you basically how ours are set up, but that’s kind of the part about recruiting is how are they going to contact you?

Do you want them to send an email somewhere? So got to have that email set up, right? Gmail has free accounts. So you can pay for an account. I wouldn’t suggest using a law firm email unless it doesn’t make a big difference. Or if you want to use a Google form, or if you maybe have a website [00:07:00] that has a form on it, either way, just try to think about how people are going to respond.

Okay. People are not likely to call, they’re really likely to send an email or fill out a form. Think like the most passive way, like, Oh man, click on this and fill out a form. Great. This is easy. Now I’ve applied and I can move on with life. So that’s kind of generally thinking about recruiting. Where are you going to recruit?

How are you going to advertise? How much do you want to spend? How are they going to sign up and what information do you want from them in order to kind of have them sign up? Name, email address. I don’t ask for people’s physical address. IS for email address. Sorry about that. That kind of information.

There’s all kinds of stuff you can use. Yvette, just again, think about if you give somebody 50 questions, they’re probably not gonna answer 50 questions. They’re probably gonna , just walk away. That’s too much information, too much trouble. They’re not gonna do it. And once you have them, right. So recruiting, that’s kind of part one.

Part two then is communicating with them. Again, thinking about having this extra email address, you can set one up for [00:08:00] free on Gmail, or you can pay 6 and set your own email address on there. That’s what I do. We’ll talk about kind of a little bit what I do after we finish our four steps. Cause you want to be able to communicate with these folks.

So they fill out the form, then you want to be able to communicate with them. Hey, you’re invited. Hey, here’s when it is. Hey, I need this like email is a really easy way. Do you ask people’s phone number? Of course you can call them. You can text them as well. All those ways are easy ways to communicate with people and highly suggested.

I love using Gmail because then you have the calendar. You can send a calendar invite for people that goes on their calendar. You know, they accept it or not. You can send reminders that you can even set up templates to make it really easy to just go in there and send reminders for everything. Okay. And on that step, getting a confidentiality agreement signed is another big part of communicating with them and having them sign it before they get the zoom link.

I do not like to give out a zoom link [00:09:00] until it’s the day of just, I don’t want to be zoom bombed. I don’t want it to leak out anywhere. So I don’t give the zoom link out until the day of, which gets cut a little short, but most people, if you’ve gone through the process of being recruited, like you’ve.

Gotten it inundated by emails and calendar invites and reminders because I just think that maybe that’s, you know, over communicating when they’re supposed to be there is more helpful than under communicating and getting those questions. Well, I didn’t know when it was on your calendar. So confidentiality.

Got to have that as a signature. So there are lots of really great electronic signature programs that do not require people to download the software. They just get it in the email and they click through. Of course, most of us have encountered DocuSign. I think almost everybody, most law firms at this point have figured out a way to do DocuSign for contracts.

So same thing. You just plug in that confidentiality form. Pick where you want them to sign and email it to them. I use Adobe because I already pay for the Adobe higher inversion so that I can do redactions and [00:10:00] things like that for the law firm. And then I found out like, Oh, they have their own electronic signature format.

So I already pay for it. So that’s the one that I use. It’s fairly simple, straightforward. And again, nobody has to download any kind of program for that. There’s hello sign. There’s many, many others. So think about that as far as confidentiality and getting electronic signature. Which then leads us to, so we’ve got recruit, communicate, and now we’re doing our focus group, right?

Our virtual focus group, and picking that platform. So there’s Zoom, there’s Google Meet, there’s Teams. I’m sure there are other platforms available out there that I don’t even know about. But you just want to pick a platform that you are very familiar with, and that has the capability of video recording, audio recording, and that people do not have to download.

So that’s one of the nice things about zoom and several other things. They don’t have to download it. Just send them a link. They click it and they join. I prefer zoom. It’s just basically kind of what I started with. And now we’re [00:11:00] down the road. And this is kind of what I use. I think it’s very easy.

There’s lots of great options. There are lots of settings to kind of get used to. Most of them are very straightforward. You know, you can record to a cloud, record to your laptop. There’s chatting. There’s polls. If you want to do polls, there’s lots of great ways to use zoom. So I enjoy zoom. That’s when I recommend, but that, you know, you want to make sure you set up, check all the settings.

Get a good to go, feel really comfortable with it because you’re going to have people that have done a zoom, but sometimes there are people who a weird problem happens and they don’t know how to change a setting. And I can try and troubleshoot, but most of them have to reschedule those people because.

We’re basically starting the zoom. I have people come in early so we can check all their technology. And then we start at a real specific, you know, 1230. So I open it up at 12 so people can start joining and check technology, check ID if you want to do that. And then we start right on time. But. [00:12:00] That’s the thing.

Like we end right on time as well. So if anything’s starting to kind of get in the way, Oh, there’s so much technology or, Oh, I can’t hear you. It’s like, Hey, I’m really sorry. We’re gonna have to reschedule. Cause we’ve got to go, we’ve got to get started at 1230. So either way, and you can always kick people out of zoom too.

So all that to be said, like you want to make sure that when you are. In your focus group, you are in it. You’re using it. You’re using all their time. You’re making sure they’re focused. You’re not losing people. The technology works. You know how to help people through that technology, freezing all that stuff.

So, and have all your share screen, all those little things. So anyhow, that’s like literally the virtual focus group. And then kind of last part, which would be the wrap up, which would be paying people. There’s all kinds of ways to pay people online, Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, cash app. I just pick one and go with it.

I only do one payment. I just do PayPal. I don’t do any other, there are no other options because it just, you can just spend off spending so much time on [00:13:00] that. And if you don’t have the app and it’s not linked up, PayPal seems to be totally fine. It’s also. Venmo. It’s the same company, but some people don’t want to use PayPal and that’s okay.

We tell people very up on the front in our ads on Craigslist and Facebook, Hey, we only use PayPal. That’s it. We don’t use any other way to get payment. So don’t ask. It ain’t available. And that helps again, cut, streamline things down for us. Cause we pay people in the last 15 minutes of the focus group so that when they’re leaving, I confirm with them on video, Hey, did you get your PayPal?

Then it’s recorded. Hey, I got my PayPal. Great. I haven’t had too many problems with PayPal or with people. Hey, I didn’t get my PayPal, you know, that kind of stuff. So it seems to have worked out really well as far as using that. Also you can do follow up. Of course, emails with people once they are done with the focus group.

Hey, do you have a good time? Hey, if you wanna recruit people, that’s a great way to do it. Send an email saying, Hey, if you had a good time, send somebody over. Have a referral [00:14:00] program. We have a referral program. If people send over a first name and an email and I can email that person and they actually show up and the referral gets a $10 electronic gift card.

Just little things like that to help. Kind of recruit other people is great. It’s a good way to find people. Not necessarily super cost effective, but one of the challenges about virtual is so easy not to show up is so easy for people just to say, ah, you know what? I just don’t want to do this today. So, uh, so you gotta have to think about over confirming like, Hey, you want to have eight people in here.

Yeah, you might need to think about having like 10 to 12 people confirmed just to make sure you have that eight people to show up. So that’s kind of the one of the drawbacks of virtual is some people don’t show up, which also means picking the day you have your virtual focus group on can have a heavy impact.

I don’t ever do them on Mondays just in case people had hard weekends. Doing them around holidays is also kind of a challenge. All [00:15:00] right. So let’s kind of go back through in our four parts and talk about thinking about this system, these four parts of your system and getting those in place and thinking through what is it, the technology that I need to do this, how much is it going to cost me and how much, of course, you’re going to pay people.

We talked about PayPal, how much you’re going to pay them. And playing with that, is it 20 an hour? Is it 25? Is it 30 an hour? Obviously, the more you pay, the more likely you’re going to get more people responding, which means you have to vet people more, you know, look through all those people. And then the other part of kind of this back end, this fourth step, is also just keeping a list of all these people.

So that you don’t have repeats or if you have bad participants, like letting know, like, Oh, this is a no, no, we have a no list around here. Maybe that person goes on the no list. You’re not going to do another one. And then also we kind of have a rolling, Hey, if it’s been six months or eight months, you can come back and participate again.

So that’s also helpful for you to track that. If you had some people that, you know, we’re good participants, they showed up on time. They stayed the whole time. They gave feedback. You want to keep [00:16:00] track of that. So thinking back through our system of recruiting, communication. Zoom, I mean, literally the focus group and then the aftermath, right?

Paying people and keeping track of people. Almost all these things are really inexpensive. Like I said, I would suggest using a free email address separate apart from your law firm. You can use a free one. You can pay 6 to get one from Google or from Gmail as well. If you want to set your own email address.

And then that’s going to help you, of course, communicate with them, do calendar invites, do reminders. You need to have some kind of technology to do electronic signatures for confidentiality. And then of course, some kind of platform for the actual virtual focus group that will do audio and video recording.

I use SuggestZoom and then of course, paying people, PayPal, Zelle, Cash App, whatever you choose, just go with it. It’s really nice because obviously you have a receipt for all that. All right. So of course, there’s like little fine tuning things that I would suggest, which is [00:17:00] Get this system in place and then do a test run.

So first couple of my focus groups, we had maybe three people, maybe three or four people, because we knew that we can have some glitches or some other stuff. So we had easy presentations. Cause again, we weren’t really sure how it was all going to work. So do a test runner too, and just get a few people in there.

If you want to use your office, you can do that, but that will help you get used How long does it take to do things? Meaning how long does it really take for people to return a confidentiality longer than you think? Also, those confidentiality emails can get stuck in spam or junk, which is another kind of thing.

So maybe send the confidentiality out the day before, you know, how are you going to vet people? How long is it going to take for you to pick people when they respond to a Craigslist ad or to a Facebook ad? And then zoom settings. I mean, there’s so many different ways to use zoom. There’s so many different settings, what works best, what doesn’t work best, how to save the chat, who needs to host, who doesn’t need to host.

[00:18:00] There’s lots of little kind of technical things that can happen if I’m not the host of a zoom, but I’m moderating and I tell everyone to chat all the answers to me privately when we close it out. Those may not save at all because it wasn’t to the host. So you want to make sure like, okay, who’s going to be the host, who’s going to be the moderator, save that chat, have that ability to save that chat.

So there’s lots of little settings on zoom, like I said. And then I always have someone else to help in my focus groups, whether it be either the other lawyer who’s doing it with me, or maybe a staff member that always helps to have a second set of eyes because. Maybe something happens. Oh gosh. Like, and somebody else has to jump off to go do the PayPal’s not working or, or something else.

So it’s always nice to have a second person. You don’t have to, I’ve definitely done them solo. And as long as most people are very patient, most of our participants are very patient. They get it. They’re not in a hurry. They’re getting paid fairly well to hang out with you. And they know that you’re going to end on time at three 30.

So it’s not like you’re going to be there all day with them. So. [00:19:00] Let me talk a little bit about how I run mine, how I do my backend. So to give you an idea, a little bit more about how my setup is. So I have a separate website altogether. I have a whole separate company. It’s called Advantage Focus Groups, and it has a website.

We have a Google email, you know, info at Advantage Focus Groups. The PayPal is all through Advantage Focus Groups. The Adobe is through Advantage Focus Group. There’s nothing law firm at all. Now, the confidentiality does mention a few things. We try not to say, Hey, you’re coming into a mock trial, unless we really are doing a mock trial, which again, most of the time you’re, I don’t use the virtual focus groups for that, but we do a Craigslist ad and we set up a Google form.

So people fill out a form. It collects name, email, telephone, marital status, kids, education, political affiliation, job. That’s really kind of about it. You may have like another one, like, [00:20:00] Hey, are you, we always ask people to, Hey, do you know that this focus groups in central time zone? Cause got people from coming all over.

You want to make sure they understand central time zone. And Hey, do you have a laptop, an internet connection and a tablet you can join like no cell phones. We kind of put that also in our, so just to double check, Hey, listen, we really don’t want you to join with a cell phone. It makes it really difficult for people to see the presentation on a cell phone.

Once they fill that out, then we go through and we start vetting, like who fits, who doesn’t fit. And we actually will call people as well, just to double check to make sure we’re getting a real life person that’s in the United States. That actually takes a little bit of time. So we try to have a pretty good lead out on most of our virtual focus groups, just so we can vet people.

And then we just start communicating with them. We email them reminders. We email them calendar invitations. I do my confidentiality. I do my Zoom link on the day of, and it can make things a little bit [00:21:00] hairy as far as coming down the line and having people show up, but that’s kind of how I know people are going to show up because we generally over confirm by two, three, four seats to make sure we have enough people to show up.

And then we just use the zoom and then pay with PayPal and then follow up with people and keep a list on Excel. You can keep a list in Gmail or G drive. That wouldn’t be very hard either. So that’s kind of a really large overview of the backend logistics for DIY virtual focus groups. Again, I will put a checklist, I’ll put the Google form, the confidentiality, all those things are going to be in a download in the show notes.

If you are interested to just have a little more information or just kind of an overview as well to have it all in one place. So if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me. My email will be in the show notes, or if you have additional questions about virtual focus groups, please let me know.

And thank you so much for tuning in. I really appreciate it. I hope that this two part series was helpful [00:22:00] for you and maybe encouraging you to do virtual focus groups for your cases and starting out to do that in your office. It’s really cost effective way to get feedback, doing it on your own. You don’t need a place.

It’s all virtual. So thanks again. If you enjoyed this podcast, please rate, review, subscribe, share with a friend. Thank you.

DIY Virtual Jury Research Focus Groups Part 1

What is a do-it-yourself virtual jury research focus group? What does it look like and how do you make one? This is the first part of our DIY Virtual Focus Group two-part series, where we break down why we’re doing virtual focus groups, what virtual focus groups are, and how we do them.

Be sure to also tune into Part 2 of this series as we dive into how to set up virtual focus groups in terms of logistics or the back-end stuff. Think about setting up Zoom, Paypal, and confidentiality agreements. 

The goal at the end of this two-part series is to give you a complete picture of how to do your own virtual focus group so you can finally get started. They’re so easy to set up and the benefits are just as great so this is definitely something you need to try doing to better prepare for your cases.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • What are virtual focus groups?
  • Why now is the time to start running them and preparing your cases 
  • The benefits of focus groups: clarity, certainty, and confidence
  • Reasons for doing focus groups
  • Some simple approaches for starting virtual focus groups
  • Quick turnaround time
  • Why do you need to run focus groups early on?

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If you really enjoyed this episode, we’ve created a PDF that has all of the key information for you from the episode. Just go to the episode page at to download it.

Supporting Resources:

Here’s a free download to help get your law firm started!

If you’d like to learn more about different styles of focus groups, check out this quick blog.

For any questions or comments, please email me:

Episode Transcript:

Elizabeth Larrick: [00:00:00] Welcome to Trial Lawyer Prep. What if you could hang out with trial lawyers and jury consultants, ask them about connecting with clients and juries more effectively, then take strategies, tactics, and insights to increase your success? Each week, Elizabeth Larrick takes an in depth look at how to regain touch with the everyday world, understand the emotional burden of your clients and juries, and use focus groups in this process.

Elizabeth is an experienced trial lawyer, consultant, and founder of Larrick Law Firm in Austin, Texas.

Hello and welcome to a new episode of Trial Lawyer Prep, the podcast designed to help trial lawyers prepare better cases so they can sleep better at night. I’m your host, Elizabeth Larrick, and I’m excited to talk about a two part series that This episode number [00:01:00] 19 and next episode, number 20, we are going to DIY virtual focus groups for you.

That’s right. Do it yourself, virtual focus groups. We want to break it down to make it super easy. This episode is going to be about why we’re doing virtual focus groups, what it is that focus groups are, virtual focus groups, how to do them, meaning presenting and, and that kind of stuff and questions. And then next episode, we will dive into the, how to set I’m on the website, logicianst Mcdonald’s, and you can find me on my blog at logicianst Good luck with your journey.

Good luck for you. Bye bye. I love using focus groups for my cases and naturally, all of that in person focus groups came to a halt pretty much [00:02:00] two years ago from the date of me recording this episode. Kind of weird. Didn’t know that was going to happen. And I just thought, well, we’ll be back. April will be back.

May will be back. And uh, We weren’t. So I ventured into doing virtual focus groups, never done it before, never even thought that that would even be possible or would work out or get the good feedback. And I just jumped in. I had a lot of help pushing me to do virtual. So big shout out to Lexley Overton for her help during that time to get me to jump in and it worked out.

I’ve done over. 200 or more virtual focus groups. I’ve done some in person focus groups recently and It’s great. They’re fantastic. They’re so easy to set up. The benefits are just as great. So that’s why I really want to pass on this information to my listeners to help them do their own. Because that’s really ultimately kind of how I got [00:03:00] started several years ago in person was just me and a group of other folks, a bunch of solos wanted to do some focus groups.

So we’ve collected all of our resources. Somebody brought a conference room, somebody else brought the video recorder and I just brought the, okay, I’m going to figure out how to do this and collected the participants and got them to show up. And it was great. And of course we fumbled around a little bit, but we still got feedback and we got better as we went along.

And so anyhow, that’s really what we want to focus on today is passing on an even easier way to do focus groups. And that would be virtual. So, let’s kind of talk a little bit about what do I mean when I say virtual focus groups. Traditionally, we think about mock trials, and what I’m more focusing on when we talk about virtual focus groups are smaller case preparation style legal focus groups, where we’re looking at either real specific issues.[00:04:00]

Real specific pieces, maybe it’s just mediation. And we’re trying to make the case better. Trying to get feedback, trying to make sure that things are looking the way that we think they should for a jury. And it’s much more bite sized. There’s a lot less pressure on you as a lawyer to prepare it, to get it ready, and also it’s done at a time where you can synthesize the information.

Apply it immediately. Maybe you go do some more depositions and come back and run a different focus group or inject that new information you have in that focus group. So they’re intended to be bite size. They’re intended to be used more than once. And most of the focus groups when we do them virtually are really down into bite size, either an hour, you can do two hours, three hours.

You can do them longer, but we’ll talk about what happens if you do it too long. Everybody just kind of zones out. So that’s what I mean by, like, the types of legal focus groups, which is something that’s easy, digestible, easy to prepare, that can be [00:05:00] done in an hour, can be done in two hours, or, you know, multiple cases in two hours.

So that’s really kind of what we’re talking about when we say legal focus groups or virtual focus groups. And I really think that now is the time. That all law firms have the ability to do this. No matter how big you are or how small you are, even if you’re a solo like me, you still can put these together in a way that is very cost effective.

It gets you the information that you need. And really you’re going to gain a lot of confidence in the case that you have, which is fantastic. So, Zoom is everywhere. All our kids are doing Zoom for class, even college is doing Zoom. We all see our doctors through Zoom or some other kind of platform like it, Google Meet, you name it.

There’s all kinds of online video technology out there, which means it’s everywhere. Everybody’s got it. I have not run into a single problem about people not having experience with Zoom or know how to [00:06:00] use it, which is great. I mean, that would probably have been my concern before if I was trying to do virtual, which is like, wow, nobody has the technology, but now it’s just easy.

Everybody’s got it. Everyone’s used it to try to talk to loved ones. When we were really during lockdown in 2020 and at times in 2021. So the technology is readily available. You don’t even have to worry about it. It’s free as well to anybody who’s joining in. It’s really cost effective for law firms and solos, you know, before.

You’d have to have a space, maybe you can have a space at your office, but basically you’re going to have to feed folks. You’re going to have to host folks. I mean, there’s a time and there’s an energy factor in that for you and your staff. Maybe you have to get in the car and go somewhere. If you have to do that, I mean, all those things are really going to cost you, but with virtual, just a click of a button.

So it really makes it very helpful convenience wise for you and everybody else. If you’re going to do a focus group with another lawyer. They could be anywhere. Be a lawyer up in [00:07:00] Nebraska, up in California, and all they have to do is just tune in with you. So it makes it really easy to collaborate with folks across the country if maybe you all need to get together to do a focus group.

You don’t have anybody locally that needs to do one. It’s easy to collect folks up to join in with you, cut those costs if you need to. Or split up the responsibilities, which is also a great way to make it cost effective. Virtual is also going to give you that same fantastic feedback that you need.

There’s always a worry about, well, we’re going to miss the body language or the group is not going to have the same interactions. There is a slight bit of that. I mean, naturally, because we’re virtual, but really I’ve not had a problem where people were very disconnected or did not voice their opinions.

And it actually is. It’s really helpful because you really are seeing their face and it’s all, their faces are recorded up close. I mean, that’s really difficult to do unless you hire a [00:08:00] videographer to basically zoom in on every person who’s speaking and even then that’s really difficult. So the recording is fantastic in that sense of gaining the feedback, but also being able to see that visual of their face reacting to other people, which sometimes gets missed when you’re in person.

You’re still going to get the same great feedback that you would need if you were in person. So again, super beneficial. Super cost effective and convenient as far as for you and staff. And I mean, you can put them together on a dime. That’s really, really easy. And a lot of folks, everybody out there is looking for extra work.

They’re looking for other stuff to supplement what’s going on or There’s still a lot of people that haven’t entered back into the workforce, or maybe they’re changing their job and doing something else and they have opportunity or time on their hands. I’ve run into lots of participants who are changing jobs right now, or they’re interviewing for another job.

So they have some time on their hands and you know, obviously [00:09:00] technology is easy. They’re going to click on and, you know, make a couple extra dollars. So there’s lots of people out there looking for this type of work right now. So we know we’re going to do them and we know that they’re helpful, but really why are we doing them?

I talked a little earlier about how virtual focus groups can really be bite size, meaning very easy, one hour shots at information or feedback that you need. And one of the things I always stress about focus groups and still the same way about virtual focus groups, which is finding some clarity in all focus groups, no matter what you walk in as a lawyer and you give your presentation, whatever it may be.

Let’s say you give an opening. Let’s say you give a timeline. Let’s say you just walk in and you just have a conversation with them. Just ask them some questions. What they give back to you is basically their understanding, which generally is always going to be a simplified version of what you gave them.

That alone. is so significant because we tend to [00:10:00] complicate things. I think that’s a result of being in law school and being told to look at every minute piece of everything and turn over every rock and look for everything and complicate things. And, No matter what happens, you’re going to gain simplification from focus groups.

They’re going to make things simpler back to you. And that alone is really, really helpful for any case, simplifying the presentation, simplify the issues. You’re always going to gain some level of clarity. on your case. So that’s always helpful no matter what you do with any focus group, virtual or in person, you’re going to gain that clarity, that simplification.

Another thing we use focus groups for, and I mean, definitely for me, I personally need to use focus groups to gain certainty, right? So I have my point of view on a case and I think, well, that’s going to be the jurors point of view, but there may be something that is causing some doubt. Right? [00:11:00] So, for example, you’ve got this point of view, you’ve been working up the case, you’re ready to go to mediation, you’ve taken depositions, and you walk into mediation and the defense comes in very strong, almost aggressive.

Causing you a little bit of doubt, like, wait a minute. Maybe this isn’t as strong as I thought. Maybe I have some doubt going on. I’ve been stuck in my own mind, my own point of view. Holy mackerel. What do I do? Well, let’s take to a focus group. Let’s just see what a focus group says. If there’s any credibility in that defense argument, they’re going to tell you about it.

And in that sense gaining some certainty about, is my point of view. The juror point of view, or is it just a little bit flawed? Am I just a little bit too sucked into things? Did I miss something? That level of certainty is so helpful. Especially if you’re investing time, you’re investing money. I mean, that means time and money, you’re not spending on other cases and [00:12:00] I mean, these are huge resources that we really need to make sure that we’re picking the right case to do that with.

Don’t get me wrong. I have been in that place where I have spent a lot of money and a lot of time on a case that I just got lost in that point of view. And guess what? It wasn’t the right point of view. So, you know, avoid the pain, get some feedback along the way. And that’s why I love virtual because it’s just.

It’s simple. You can do it one hour and you’re going to get so much back. That’s helpful to you. And then ultimately confidence, knowing that you’ve done the hard work, you’ve done the preparation and what you give the focus group comes right back to you. That is really going to give you a lot of confidence to turn down that low end offer to feel good about we’re going into trial and that confidence.

You’re going to be able to translate that also to your client, right? So knowing that you’ve kind of really prepared in every single facet. And take into account the jury along the way with you, which [00:13:00] I think sometimes is what we forget. It’s okay. It happens. I’m a sucker for it, too. It’s happened to me, too.

But, like I said, focus groups will help you with that. So let’s kind of turn and talk a little bit about how. How are we going to present? What are we going to present? In these virtual focus groups, I’ve got a couple of resources and I’m happy to post them in the show notes as far as a blog that goes into a little more detail about some of these styles of focus groups.

We’re going to talk about. So I’ll put that in the show notes, but I do want to think about let’s think about crafting this. So we’ve got a virtual focus group. Let’s just take it down and let’s just say you’re going to use two hours. And okay, so you’ve got these folks for two hours. Maybe you’ve got a burning case, like it’s about to go to trial, or maybe it’s going to go to mediation, or you’ve got a couple that are leading into mediation.

Those are great ones to pick. Something that’s on fire and you need to have something immediate. Sometimes it’s great if you’ve got a new case that just came in the door and you want to make sure and get some feedback [00:14:00] before you file that lawsuit. That’s another really good one. And here’s why. So the earlier in the case, sometimes it’s a little bit easier to craft a presentation.

So one of the easiest presentations you can do in a short amount of time, 30 40 minutes, is to basically just put together what I call a snapshot. Just a real brief set of facts. Neutral both sides, but mostly all facts, no opinions yet. And couple that with some pictures of things to give everybody kind of a visual of what’s going on.

And you just basically kind of read through those facts, show the pictures, and then just kind of ask some questions about what happened. And when I say ask some questions, I mean, ask open ended questions. What happened here? What else would you want to know? If you already know that you’ve got two sides of the story, you can tell people the two sides of the story.

The thing about the snapshot is to, you’re always going to give an even amount of information on both sides. So if you tell, well, the red car says that they had the green light. Well, you need to go ahead and tell me what the [00:15:00] black car says to you, right? To even that out. That’s why you’d want to have a picture of the red car and a picture of the black car, right?

Snapshots try to be very even handed in the information presenting kind of both sides in a very neutral way just to see, Hey, what do you get back? And the earlier in the case is a little bit better because then they’ll tell you, Hey, I’d want to know about this witness or is there a camera somewhere?

And. Sometimes there’s not. That’s okay. Just keep that in your mind because if you don’t have that information or it’s not available, that doesn’t mean the jurors aren’t still going to have that question in your mind. That’s still good information to write down and keep in there if you do have to go to trial to remember that.

If you want to even make it more simpler, just create a timeline of the case and put the timeline in front of them. Use PowerPoint or You don’t even have to get that fancy with PowerPoint, just put a Word document up there that basically lays out the timeline of the events of the case and just ask people what happened, right?

Very big open ended questions. Another great, small, simple virtual focus group is to do witness credibility. I recently did one of [00:16:00] these for some folks that were going to go to deposition. They had four separate clients, four very different clients. This was not a family situation. This was just a case that had four clients with four different claims.

It was an employment case. And all we did was we took five minute videos of the clients and then played that video. And they answered three simple questions. What’s your name? What’s your job? What’s this case about? What’s your claim? That’s it. Three very simple questions. They answered however they wanted.

And we put that in front of the focus group and we said, Hey, are they credible? Is what they’re saying makes sense? Is it clear? What else would you want to know? Those are four really simple questions. That’s all we did. And that was our time. And then we got some great feedback to help with these individuals with their deposition prep so that we knew, hey, there’s a tendency here maybe to go off story.

So we need to back on the facts. We got to make things really clear on the [00:17:00] front end when these folks are talking in their deposition. So that’s another great one. I’ve also used witness credibility where we kind of paired it up with a snapshot, meaning We had a very disputed car wreck case. Have you ever heard one of those?

And some guy was going straight and then ran off the road. And anyhow, at the scene, only one side of the story got told and the client was very adamant. That’s not how it happened. I have a Google map and the police really wouldn’t listen then, but they did listen later. So anyhow, we really did have two kind of separate stories about what happened.

So we told the story with the visuals, right? Meaning here’s the story, here’s the visuals, there’s all the pictures. And then we played some video clips from, here’s what driver in the white truck says, play. Here’s what the witness says, play. Here’s what the driver of the black truck says, play. And then we said, okay, what happened?

Who’s telling the truth? Who’s the most credible person? What’s going on? And so helpful, [00:18:00] right? Because That was basically going to be trial. So there’s ways to pair it up to make it easy for you to put together, right? Those were just putting together the facts, gathering up a couple of pictures, the testimony in that last one I just talked about was actual deposition testimony.

So all that just had to be clipped out, put together. I mean, you can share a screen so quickly with zoom, so you don’t have to put it in anything fancy. If you just, as long as you have the window open, zoom will open that window and you can play that video, make it super simple. And with the shorter ones, what I always tell people.

If it’s an hour, you really only need maybe 20 minutes of information because you really want to spend most of the time talking and with virtual, it’s really easy to make sure every person talks. And that’s generally what I say at the start of my virtual focus groups. Today is really about gathering every person’s feedback.

So I’m going to individually call on everybody to give their feedback. So now they’re ready. So when we go through, Hey, My first question, you know, what happened here? [00:19:00] Ross, will you start us off? All right. Thank you so much, Ross. Okay. Ryan. Okay. And if I want everyone just to jump in, then I’ll say, hey, free for all.

Here’s a question. Anybody wants to answer it, go. But that way everybody has a chance and they know that that’s what the moderator wants. So it’s really helpful to be able to call on people. You’ve got their names right in their square. You’re not going to forget someone’s name. Sometimes that happens in person, of course, you know, their name tags big enough, but with the shorter ones, just big, broad questions, you can write the questions out in front of you.

That’s the other really nice thing about virtual is you can have your webcam up looking at you and all your notes in front of you. And they don’t even know you’re looking at notes and they don’t even know you’re taking notes, right? And write notes along the whole way too. So that is also a really beneficial part about virtuals.

You’ve got a lot of stuff you can have in front of you to make sure you don’t miss anything. And the shorter they are, you know, easy, short questions, gathering everybody up. Even if you had a two hour one, you could do two different cases, maybe three cases, depending on the information. [00:20:00] Three would be kind of a squeeze for two hours because you got to kind of do a few other things in there housekeeping wise.

So that would be kind of a couple of different ones. We talked about doing a snapshot, which is a very neutral set of the facts. Just do a timeline. Talked about doing witness credibility or even combining, you know, witness credibility with a snapshot. Just to do a one hour or a two hour virtual focus group just to get some real quick feedback on one or two cases.

When to run virtual focus groups. So because they are so easy to set up and you can do it so quickly and get people very quickly, ready to go, you know, the turnaround time is really quick as far as being able to say, Hey, you know what, my mediation is on March 31st. Let’s do a virtual focus group next week.

Done. You’ll have it done. You’ll have time to process all the feedback, maybe make clips if you need it for the mediation, plenty of time to do all that. And again, because such a quick turnaround, it’s really easy. So, that’s nice, but really what I was explaining was [00:21:00] when you would do them, you can do them any time.

Right. Talked about how the earlier you do the virtual focus groups, you can do more of them again, because we’re talking about doing bite sized one, we’re not talking about doing six hours, you know, four hours. You can, if you have enough information, but sometimes the, we have cases that just come in, we just have really a brief set of facts.

Maybe there’s something glamorous about it. We want to test it out. Maybe it’s an unusual claim. We want to know more about what people think. think about the claim. That makes it really easy to jump in there and get something done 30, 40 minutes, an hour, but you can really conduct them anytime. And we talk about how if you want to do multiple ones and you’re gathering information along the way to kind of set up and make a blueprint, a plan that was another episode earlier on in this podcast about how do we make a blueprint

So if you think about it, if we’re going to do virtual, we’re going to do one hour for a case, yeah, it’s not unrealistic to think that you could do [00:22:00] five virtual focus groups for a case. Think about opening statement, doing a timeline, mediation presentation, witness credibility, and a snapshot. There’s five.

You know, boom. And all those can be done along the way as you get more information and building a better presentation to get better feedback. So there’s really no wrong time to do them. It is a little bit disappointing if you wait too long to do one, because then we talked a little bit earlier, been stuck in our point of view, if you get stuck in your point of view and you spend all this time, money and effort, and then you do a focus group to realize, uh, I was focusing on the wrong thing.

Okay. That’s a bummer. Let’s not do that. Let’s avoid that bummer moment that like, Oh man, I just missed the mark. I’ve been there, had that pain. So I really try to do focus groups early. And that way I can have that feedback in my mind as I’m getting ready for deposition. As I’m thinking about [00:23:00] mediation, I’ve got even just the smallest things or clarity in my mind about How to make the issue simple, how the jury talked about this set of facts, super, super helpful, even if it’s just an hour long.

So, okay, let me just do a little recap here for this episode. We kind of talked about what a virtual legal folks group would be. Why now is a fantastic time to start running these things to prepare your cases better. And we talked about why are we doing them? And then a little bit about like how to, how do we think about putting together this time and do we use it for, and what are some simple approaches for, if we’re just starting out with focus groups, we’re just starting out, like what’s the easiest thing to do?

Low impact on you so that you’ll do it. And then ultimately when, which is. Whenever you want, because they’re easy to put together, your staff will get it down and throw one together very quickly for you. And when we [00:24:00] start our next episode, we are going to dive deep into the back end setup, the logistics, literally how we are putting these things together on zoom so that you can feel confident in that setup.

And then you can boom, start doing them. Paired that with this episode, number 19. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I hope that it was helpful and gave you a little bit more information about DIY virtual focus groups and how they’re easy. You can do them. They’re great for your cases. They work wonders on your mental status.

So reduce some of that stress. So again, thank you so much for tuning in this episode. If you enjoyed it, please rate, review it, subscribe at that little plus button at the top corner. And also share it with other lawyers that, you know, always helpful to have other people join in the podcast. So thanks again and have a good [00:25:00] one.