Benefits of Virtual Focus Groups LIVE Replay

In this episode, I’m sharing a very short and simple message that I delivered just a few weeks back on social media where I discussed the benefits of virtual focus groups. 

Especially in the face of this pandemic where our safety is compromised, we have the opportunity to run virtual focus groups, which are so easy to put together. But do they work? Absolutely! 

In this age of technology, there’s practically nothing we cannot do on the Internet. And being able to leverage that to run focus groups puts you at an advantage – logistically, safety-wise, and even time-wise. 

If you haven’t done it yet, consider running focus groups virtually so you can make better use of your time, energy, and money – while still getting all the information and feedback you need to prepare for your case. 

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Why use Zoom for virtual focus groups
  • Logistics: No location is needed 
  • Safety: It keeps us COVID-free since you’re just in your office
  • An opportunity to put together a variety of focus groups
  • The availability of time
  • Other great features when using Zoom for focus groups

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Episode Transcripts:

Elizabeth Larrick: [00:00:00] Sometimes the shorter and simpler the message, the more likely we are to receive it. And that’s what today’s episode is going to do when we talk about focus groups. Tune in. Welcome to Trial Lawyer Prep. What if you could hang out with trial lawyers and jury consultants, ask them about connecting with clients and juries more effectively, then take strategies, tactics, and insights to increase your success.

Each week, Elizabeth Larrick takes an in depth look at how to regain touch with the everyday world. Understand the emotional burden of your clients and juries, and use focus groups in this process. Elizabeth is an experienced trial lawyer, consultant, and founder of Larrick Law Firm in Austin, Texas.

For this episode of Trial Lawyer Prep, we’re going to be listening to a [00:01:00] very short and simple message that I delivered just a few weeks back on social media live, but I felt like it was important enough that we play it here to this audience just in case you missed it. Because Focus groups can give so many wonderful benefits, and sometimes we get lost, forced in the trees.

So let’s listen in for this short, sweet message about the benefits of focus groups. Hello and welcome coming to you live from our home. Hopefully you’re joining me either on Facebook or on LinkedIn. If you don’t catch it live, that’s okay. Check the replay. I just want to jump on today and talk really quickly about benefits of virtual focus groups and why do I want to talk about this?

Well, As you can tell, if you haven’t noticed, we’re still stuck in a pandemic of sorts and riding the surges and the dips and the waves of all the things that are going on with trying to have in person [00:02:00] meetings, events, you name it. And so let’s talk about it because I feel like virtual focus groups can offer you such great benefits right now for feedback on cases that you need.

Let’s talk just really briefly about how easy it is to put together a virtual focus group right now. Hopefully at this point, you’ve been on a zoom for either your kid’s school or for job or work or meeting up with friends or people across the U. S. or even across the world to get some connection with people because we haven’t been able to meet in person.

But also. I don’t know if it’s happened to you, but we’re meeting our doctors online through Zoom, even financial planners, a lot of the business people, our consultations are all via Zoom now too. So the technology is widespread and it’s really, really easy to use. So I use Zoom, highly suggest using it for virtual focus groups because it has super easy built in [00:03:00] technology.

For automatically recording and there’s lots of varieties for recording that they make it easy to record up into the cloud with them or it’ll just go straight and save to your computer or laptop that you’re using. They make it easy to chat with people to set up unique IDs and be able to screen people before they get in.

So the technology is super easy to use. Also, you know, as far as logistics for virtual focus groups, there’s no location. When I got this location here in Austin, I schemed out to have a big room for having focus groups and it’s kind of sitting empty now, but it’s so nice to be able to throw together a really big room.

Fast, quick focus group. You know, if you need to do one tomorrow or next week and you just get online, start recruiting, send emails, and then set up that quick zoom link, which means it saves time for travel for me, for any other people who are going to join in and watch it makes it super, super easy. So I love [00:04:00] it from a logistics standpoint of saving time and about getting placed together and getting food for people.

Virtual makes it so much easier. And From a huge standpoint of safety wise, you can sit in your office and tune in and all our participants can tune in from home as well. So it definitely keeps us coven virus free in our virtual environment. I think virtual focus groups also give a great variety of the ability to do a one hour focus group.

two hour, three hour, you know, four hour focus groups. Sometimes the longer ones can get a little bit harder to keep people to pay attention to, but it gives a variety versus it’s really hard to sometimes put together a one hour focus group for one hour. There’s a lot of effort that goes in to get the location ready to get people there.

This way people just click and join. So super easy to set up a variety of different. time availability, plus you can recruit people from all different time zones, different locations, and that [00:05:00] makes it obviously something we couldn’t do when we were in person. The other thing I love about the variety for virtual focus groups is using the chat.

People can put in their answers and it saves the chat for you. And so it makes it a lot easier versus like people taking notes and showing their note up to the screen. The chat is great for that. Also, you can take polls along the way. We’ve actually even created Google Forms so that if we need to take a very quick survey that’s a little bit longer, we just.

Put that link in the chat, they click on it, go fill it out, and then they never leave the Zoom screen. So it’s really great. Sharing screen is a super fantastic function, you know, create PowerPoints and visual aids to help conduct and present to the focus group. They can see everything and it makes interactive videos are easy to show.

Just share screen. So you don’t have to worry about like, okay, do I need to download it onto my laptop and put it on the USB and transport it to the place and make sure the laptop can show it correctly. It’s so easy. You know, do you [00:06:00] just share screen and get going? So a couple of other things really quickly, logistic wise, that make it easy as well.

Virtual, paying people virtually is easy using PayPal or Venmo. DocuSign makes it super easy to sign confidentiality. And so thanks for tuning in. Just want to give a few extra easy benefits of virtual focus groups. If you have any questions, put them in the chat and if you liked it, please share it with somebody you knew may need some help.

All right. Thanks so much. Thank you so much for listening in today of this episode of trial lawyer prep. I hope that you found it helpful if you would please rate, review, share this podcast with somebody else who you think could benefit and we’ll tune in next week. Thank [00:07:00] you.