Your Trial Strategy Shouldn’t Be an Afterthought: Make the Jury’s Job Easy [Ep 134]
On this episode of Trial Lawyer Prep, Elizabeth Larrick shares strategies for trial lawyers to develop a winning legal approach from the start of litigation. Drawing from her experience with renowned trial lawyer Don Keenan, Elizabeth explains the dangers of last-minute strategy planning and the confusion that can arise from disorganized opening statements. She emphasizes the need for a clear and cohesive presentation to effectively communicate with juries.
Elizabeth shares practical methods to kickstart your trial preparation, including the use of jury research and focus groups, and highlights the benefits of committing to a single persuasive strategy. Discover actionable steps such as writing down ideas, dedicating focused time for evaluation, and seeking inspiration from trial strategy literature or podcasts.
In this episode, you will hear:
- Importance of early trial strategy development to avoid procrastination pitfalls.
- Risks of a disorganized “Frankenstein” approach and cramming strategies into opening statements.
- Value of committing to a single, coherent persuasion method for trial success.
- Utilization of jury research and focus groups to test and refine trial strategies.
- Actionable steps for trial preparation: writing ideas down, setting time blocks, and seeking inspiration.
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Supporting Resources:
Jump to Episode 131 to get an overview of trial strategy.
Books to Kickstart your Trial Strategy Planning:
Trial by Human by Nick Rowley & Steven Halteman
Rules of the Road by Rick Friedman & Patrick Malone
Polarizing the Case by Rick Friedman
From Hostage to Hero by Sari de la Motte
Damages 3 by David Ball
Trial by Woman by Courtney Rowley & Theresa Bowen Hatch
The Keenan Edge Anthology by Don Keenan and various contributors (including me)
Winning Case Preparation by Bozart, Cusimano, Lazarus and Wenner
Learn more about how Elizabeth helps trial lawyer here.
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Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Welcome to Trial Lawyer Prep. What if you could hang out with trial lawyers and jury consultants? Ask them about connecting with clients and juries more effectively. Then take strategies, tactics, and insights to increase your success. Each week, Elizabeth Larrick takes an in depth look at how to regain touch with the everyday world.
Understand the emotional burden of your clients and juries and use focus groups in this process. Elizabeth is an experienced trial lawyer, consultant, and founder of Larrick Law Firm in Austin, Texas. Her goal is to help you connect with juries and clients in order to improve your abilities in the courtroom.
Now, here’s Elizabeth. Hello, and welcome to the podcast trial lawyer prep, or welcome back if you’re a continued listener and thanks for doing that. I’m your host, Elizabeth Larrick, and today we are going to dive into trial strategy and how to [00:01:00] not procrastinate, why your trial strategy should not be an afterthought.
And we have talked a little bit about trial strategy this year already. If you missed that episode, it’s 1 31. What is trial strategy? What it is not. It’s great conversation, quickly overview about what trial strategy is. And if you missed last episode, please scroll back and listen to that one. We had a wonderful guest, Dina Cataldo, talking about time management and mindset for trial lawyers.
Very helpful, easy, small things we can do to help manage our time a little better, which actually fits pretty well with what we are doing here today because lawyers. You all are just really busy folks. We have lots of files in our offices. We have many things that are going to trial or preparing for those mediations.
And so when that happens, we can let that strategy piece kind of slide down [00:02:00] the priority list and it’s easy to do. And I don’t think that we are lazy people at all. I just think that sometimes these larger pieces of a trial, the strategy Thinking through some of the bigger pieces of persuasion can go by the wayside because we get inundated with what I call busy work.
We have that list of designations we need to do in trade and think about the witnesses and making sure the schedule works and then also finishing up those motions in limine, maybe even getting ready for those last minute hearings on motions for summary judgments or excluding experts. So there’s a lot of busy work that can really lead up to that trial date, including the ever looming settlement talks.
So it’s very easy for this trial strategy piece to kind of slide down that priority list. And I really want to just talk about. When we can start doing this and ways to make it [00:03:00] easier, but before we get there, we have to kind of talk about what actually happens sometimes when we do let it slide down that priority list and little procrastination may creep in.
Hey, it’s okay. I totally understand. I was there. I helped people who were there. That’s why we have our trial strategy call is to help people who may be in that place. What ends up happening? What I see when we do kind of our focus groups and getting people ready is a big pile of any kind of strategy is kind of crammed into that opening statement and into those jury selection questions without a lot of order.
And so it really becomes very confusing. So you may have somebody who is writing an opening statement and they’re using rules of the road and they’re trying to retrofit in some of the reptile stuff. And then they’re trying to fit in some sorry to Lamont and some trial by human. And when you just put it all in there, it becomes such a confusing mess [00:04:00] for the jury to try to untangle.
And confusion is our enemy 100%. You know, we get to go first as plaintiffs. We really have to be very clear about our organization and how we’re going to present things to the jury. Because if we don’t. The jury then has to use their own organization, and you won’t know what that is until the end of trial, because they’re trying to carry all this information, and without having a prioritization, what is most important, what is not, without having a clear framework from you as the leader, right, as the teacher in the courtroom, it can, things can get lost and completely forgotten, even though they may be the most important thing in your case.
So that really kind of becomes, you know, a machination of just piecing it together, what works, what doesn’t, you know, hey, maybe this will, we’ll try this here, we’ll try this there, uh, really kind of creating a Frankenstein, if you will, of [00:05:00] trial strategy. And that’s really what you want to avoid 100 percent is it just allows too many places where there may be holes.
Right. Jury is going to fill in what they think versus what may be the actual truth. And it really becomes difficult for you to then follow through with what organization you may have put out there. And what ends up, I do see happening is people basically. Different cross exam styles for different witnesses.
And so again, that still creates a confusing message for the jury. They’re trying to put it all together. You know, they’re trying to see the whole thing and you’d want to create, again, a clear picture for them to follow and understand. And that is why when we wait to make an afterthought and we try to throw, you know, everything in the kitchen sink at it, it really becomes harder for you as the communicator as well.
You want to do an amazing presentation, be a clear communicator, you know, be very passionate about what you’re saying, but if you’re [00:06:00] trying to cram so much stuff into like a small space of an opening statement, it’s really difficult for you to even remotely try to memorize even the organization of that.
So let’s make it easier on you as well. Okay, I want it to be easy for the jury and I want it to be easy for you as well. And so we know the trouble of waiting, right? It causes lots of problems and disorganization and unclear communication, uh, piecemeal, putting things together. So let’s talk about really then, when do you start looking at trial strategy?
And one of the things that I learned when I was doing trials, uh, with Mr. Keenan, Don Keenan, was learning just a very loose framework of starting at the beginning of litigation and knowing that you have the facts, you don’t necessarily have how depo testimony is going to go. But you begin to look and at least ask questions from the beginning of, Ooh, what are the strong points here?
And then [00:07:00] making kind of a plan even just to follow it through even a little in deposition to figure out You know, what maybe are the rules or the safety rules, if you’re going to use rules of the road, what are some polarization points or what are some strong principles in your case? But just looking at it from the very beginning and making a few notes right when you are starting litigation, right when you’re filing it, you’re getting that discovery ready to just really see where.
The strategy may be, where’s that overall organizational plan for laying this out, if you had to with a jury. That doesn’t have to be the whole thing, but I think when you have a, even just a rough idea early on, and then when you pick that file up again. And you see those notes and you say, Oh, okay, great.
Well, I’m getting ready for depo prep. Let me just put in a couple questions here and there to see if this is going to hit, right? If this is going to be something that actually works well based on what the testimony ends up being. And [00:08:00] then you’re just doing a little bite at the apple each way. And I also love hearing about folks, my good friend, Courtney, who likes to basically kind of pick a file in her.
Caseload and say, okay, this one, I am going to 100% try this particular strategy. I know that we have this piece of evidence in the case, and so I’m gonna pick this strategy and I’m gonna just go with it. I’m gonna go all in. I’m not gonna try and confuse it and just to try it out as well. You know, we have so many different available thoughts and strategies.
And as we are, we try to again, machinate kind of make her a little Frankenstein and like that doesn’t really always work. So I loved her idea. She talked to me about that here recently, and they basically took a case and put it 100 percent through a particular strategy, if you will, or way of persuasion organization is probably the better word to use.
And it really helped her work [00:09:00] through from start to beginning, not waiting until she’s sitting at trial or not waiting 30 days out. Okay, here’s this case. How do I retrofit it into this? I’m really taking on one particular road map or. You know, rules the road, like I said, and going through the whole way.
And the other thing, of course, is to test it out in jury research, right? Do those focus groups to see if, hey, does this ring for them? Does this make it clear for them? Does this communicate the way that I want? Is it persuasive, right? So, and again, if you have the ability to start early, Knowing, hey, this is going to be one that’s probably likely to be teed up for trial.
Not every case I understand is going to be 100 percent guaranteed trial. We all know that, but I think having a little bit of 30 minutes, 15 minutes, hey, you know what, this looks like it might line up really well with, you know, rules of the road or with doing a road map. And so how can I kind of start to [00:10:00] test that out in my depositions, and then of course use it and take it over to the focus group to see if that actually rang true for them.
And, you know, getting started early always makes things a little bit easier, doing it a little bit along the way, and having that written down also significantly just reminds you, right, when you pick that file back up. So I know it can be hard to kickstart to get us. away from procrastinating and make time to do this trial strategy, this organization.
And so I have three ways that I like to do it. They’re all a little different depending on what’s happening or what kind of file it is. And so number one, I think is to really sit down and write it out. type it out. That really helps me commit to what’s in my mind and getting it out on paper or getting it out, typing it out as well.
And I even take that next step of printing it out and going back over it at another time. So I always like to start out early enough where there can be times where I’m thinking through [00:11:00] it or printing it and coming back to it the next week, whether I’m getting ready to do a CLEs. Speaking spot, whether I’m getting ready to do a focus group presentation or helping somebody with their opening statement, I think having it written down, having it typed out is much, much better than just like free flowing thought in your head.
The second thing I would advise is just do a time block, you know, have at least one hour that you set aside, nothing else you’re going to do and just think about the evidence Think about trial and, you know, really if you want to write it down at that point, you can, but I, I always found that it was unusual at the time, but now I understood more as we did.
Again, when I worked with Mr. Keenan, he would actually spend a lot of time just visualizing the trial, thinking through the evidence that was available, even just looking through Transcripts of the focus group or was significant and just getting the ball rolling like [00:12:00] kickstarting. Like, oh, yeah, someone said that.
Oh, yeah, that’s a great spot. So I always enjoy just it’s almost like research, just getting back into the file for an hour, looking at stuff, thinking through it and then, of course, you know, making a note of it so that we don’t forget it for when we pick it back up again. Last thing that I would advise to kind of kickstart your trial strategy ideas and organization for a case is just to pick up a book, right?
Pick up Damages 3. Pick up Trial by Human. Go back to Rules of the Road. Pick up Sorry, De La Motte. Like, there are so many amazing books that are out there that just get your mind started thinking about it. And that’s really sometimes the best place for me is when I am reading a book in the morning. It may not be related at all to trial strategy, but.
It may be spark an idea and then I have to immediately write it down otherwise it’s lost. So again, three ways to kind of kickstart your trial strategy. One, sit down and just start writing it out. Super helpful. I know people always say, well, I don’t have time to [00:13:00] write it. Type it out. That’s fine too.
Print it out. Have something that you can put in your hands and go over later. Number two is just use that time block schedule. Block yourself an hour. Make sure you’re going through things and thinking about and visualizing, but blocking that time, devoted time to do nothing but think about that case is significantly helpful.
And number three, pick up a book, right? Or even listen to a podcast. There are so many great podcasts out there where people are either talking about their trial that they just recently won or Talking about picking a jury or, you know, strategies for figuring out principles, lots of great lawyer podcasts that can kind of get you kickstarted, get that creativity going as best as possible.
So in just a quick recap, all right, so number one, please don’t wait. Don’t make trial strategy and afterthought because if not, you’re going to be just picking up the puzzle pieces to see where they fit and hoping that it comes together instead of just knowing that it [00:14:00] will. And of course, knowing when to start, which is as early as you can, think about when you’re filing that litigation, making some notes.
So when you pick the file back up, you can say, how can I thread in some questions and deposition to see if this strategy is going to line up? Or if it’s not, of course, also working in some jury research to help know that you’re hitting the right button. And then of course, our last one, which was three ways to kickstart our ideas for our trial strategy and get you excited.
Okay. Well, I hope that this podcast episode was helpful to you. If you enjoyed it, please like review. We haven’t had a review in a while, so please follow the podcasts and just give us a good review out there. And of course, if you have any questions, any concerns, or want to learn more, just check in those show notes for the website and the email.
All right. Thanks so [00:15:00] much.
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